5 Questions to Help You Stay Focused On Your Pro Cheer Goals

When you’re working towards becoming a professional cheerleader, it’s easy to feel discouraged. There will be times when you’ll doubt your abilities, especially if this is your nth time to audition.

Today, I’d love to share a powerful technique to keep you focused, and that is asking the right questions. The right questions will help you change your perception of yourself and your dream in a positive way.  

Ask these questions whenever you need a boost in motivation.

Question #1: What’s in it for me?

This question forces you to think about your WHY. Why do you want to become a pro cheerleader in the first place? Do you want this path because you love dancing and the NFL or NBA? Do you think it will make you a better person? Knowing your real purpose is the first step to figuring out the “hows” of achieving your goal.

Question #2: What can I focus on today?

If you’re thinking about a hundred different things at once, you need to ask this question. Anyone who’s working on her goals can easily worry about what dance studio to join, the best workouts to improve flexibility, what outfit to wear, and so on.  

One powerful tool to stay focused is to imagine yourself jumping off a cliff. There are many parachutes but you only need to pick one. Parachutes resemble the things you need to work on. What parachute will you choose today?

Question #3: Will this meet the judges’ standards?

This question pushes you to always show your best. When you expect yourself to perform the way a true NFL or NBA cheerleader would perform, your preparation changes. You take your workouts more seriously. You carefully study the performances of last year’s auditionees. You resist the temptation to procrastinate.

Question #4: What resources do I have right now to get started?

We make a ton of excuses. These excuses are what prevent us from acting on our goals. I don’t have the time to workout today. I can’t join a dance studio because I lack money. The reality is, you can use whatever you have today to your advantage. Look for a free pro cheer audition cardio dance workout. Read pro cheer audition prep blogs. Watch free video clips of your pro cheer team on YouTube or their website team page.

Question #5: Am I holding on to something I need to let go of?

The fear of failure. Comparisons. Being overly critical. All-or-nothing thinking. Before you’re able to move forward, you must distance yourself from all kinds of negativity. You cannot be a happy and motivated person if the things you don’t need still occupy your life. Right now, I want you to name 3 things you should drop. Today, make a conscious effort to free your mind from them.

Over to You

These are just 5 of the many questions you can ask that will bring back your focus. Remember: You can convince yourself of anything. The right questions should be able to redirect negative thoughts and train your mind to look for the positive in any situation! I wish you luck with your pro cheer goals!

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