9 Workout Motivation Tips to Exercise Consistently

We all need the drive to do things every day. Sometimes we perform a task out of necessity, and there are times where we seek a reward after. When working out, achieving a fit body is one motivation but that’s not enough to make you do it daily. You need encouragement to be fit. Here are helpful tips in motivating yourself as an aspiring pro cheerleader to make sure you exercise every day. 

1. Join an online fitness challenge

Are you a daring and competitive person? If you are, then joining a 30-day workout challenge would help you exercise daily. You can find a lot of online resources such as the squat challenge, plank challenge, ab-workout challenge, and many more.

2. Make fitness a healthy competition

Challenge other individuals like a relative or a friend in finishing a workout plan. Get in a bet to raise the stakes. Partner up and hold each of yourselves accountable for your individual workout goals.

If the option of an exercise-buddy is not possible, then join a fitness group. Your local Yoga or Zumba classes are prime examples. There are also online communities if you prefer to stay motivated for fitness at home.

3. Motivate by memory and feelings

Remember how your body felt at the peak of your fitness. How light and strong you were before and the athleticism and figure you had. Take that as a motivation to get fit and feel more years younger. Relive those days of glory.

4. Turn your tech privileges into workout rewards

Technology is one distraction for exercising. A moment of attention to your gadgets can lead to an hour of procrastination and a day wasted. Don’t allow yourself near a phone, tablet, or computer unless you’re done with your workouts.

If you use a gadget as an assistant for your exercises, let it stay that way. Disable the notifications for phones and tablets as they can distract you.

5. Re-label your exercise

One way to motivate daily exercise is to call your workout something different. Label it more of something personal that reflects your passion. For example: As an aspiring pro cheerleader, name your workouts “Pro Cheerleader Training”. Not only is it inspiring, but it’s also a constant reminder of your pro cheer dream.

6. Give your workouts a cause

Take motivation from external sources. Fitness for a charity is an example. Find a cause that you want to help with. It can be for impoverished children overseas or a fight against cancer. Your sweat sessions result in money to help others, all you have to do is register on some of these platforms

Take note: While the pandemic is happening, running outside isn’t encouraged. Please use a treadmill instead if available.

7. Motivate yourself by planning

If you workout only when you feel like it then that won’t do you any good. Plan your fitness sessions into your daily and weekly activities. Look for vacant hours, days, and tasks that aren’t of utmost importance. Schedule your workout there. Set your gadgets to alarm you for it. Stick to your plan and strictly follow the schedule.

8. Take small steps positively

Understand that everything great starts from humble beginnings. Even small healthy lifestyle choices add up to bigger fitness results. Don’t rush yourself and set realistic goals. When your efforts fall short, don’t beat yourself up, instead, challenge yourself further to do better. This way, you make yourself immune to discouragement and in the long run, you’ll be able to achieve your pro cheer dream.

Read more: Here's How to Shift Your Mindset About Fitness

9. Sleep in your workout attire

Setting out your exercise clothing before going to sleep is good for eliminating excuses to skip your workout when you wake up. But sometimes for early birds, there are those who need extra motivation. If you’re one of those in need of it, wearing your workout attire to bed is one effective trick!

To make your daily workout a healthy habit, treat it as your hobby. Think about it as your happy pill. Challenge yourself and others to join you and make fitness fun. You can also go the extra mile by exercising not for only yourself but for the good of others as well.

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: