Collagen Protein Vs Whey Protein: What's the Difference?

Protein supplements are synonymous with fitness. Most people who go to the gym have at least one protein shaker bottle with them as they complete their sets using various equipment. And it’s not just men and bodybuilders who keep a bottle at arm’s reach.

Women of fitness who are non-bodybuilders such as pro cheerleaders often drink this beverage as part of their fitness program. Why? For starters, protein supplements support muscle growth. They help muscle fibers recover from exercise which prevents soreness and provide an energy source for exercising.

However, there are two types of protein: collagen and whey. Each has its own purposes and specific source. Read on to know what they are.

What is Collagen Protein?

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Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It’s found in the connective tissues of animal foods such as the skin, bone marrow, and bone broth. Here are the specific purposes of collagen supplements for health and fitness:

1. Improves skin health

Our skin is mainly composed of collagen. As we age, our bodies produce less of it. Taking collagen supplements prevents wrinkles and dry skin.

2. Preserves cartilage integrity

Our bone cartilages are also made from collagen. By lifting heavy weights and constant movement, they eventually wear out. Collagen supplements ensure that no matter how active you are, your joints can always move smoothly against each other.

3. Thickens bones

Bones aren’t just made of calcium. It’s also made out of collagen. Calcium makes your bones hard while collagen contributes to their density. Combining collagen supplements with calcium-rich drinks such as milk makes your bones stronger and more flexible to withstand the stresses of working out.

What is Whey Protein?

Whey is a liquid protein that’s a byproduct of curdled and strained milk. It’s also a byproduct during the manufacture of cheese and casein. When dried, it turns into powder which can be mixed with water to make a protein shake. Here are 3 different purposes of whey protein supplements for your health and fitness needs:

1. Promotes muscle growth

Muscles, like bones, cartilages, and connective fiber tissues, are made from digested protein. But whey protein takes its muscle growth properties even further through leucine — an amino acid that increases the production of muscle growth hormones. This is the reason why whey powders are common among those who want to bulk, lean, and cut their body.

2. Reduces hunger

Protein is a macronutrient that’s harder to digest. Therefore, you feel full for longer periods of time which prevents you from mindless snacking. Whey protein is not just popular among bodybuilders but also among those who want to lose unnecessary weight.

3. Helps you lose fat

Speaking of losing weight, the reason why people have unnecessary pounds is due to subcutaneous and visceral fat deposits as a result of a poor diet. Consuming whey protein increases your metabolism and maintains muscle mass which burns more calories and the fat deposits even when you’re at rest.

3 Examples of Collagen Protein Supplements

1. Collagen peptides

This form of collagen protein comes in powder and is made from bovine animal tissue. You can mix them into any of your meals without changing their texture.

2. Marine collagen

This form of collagen protein comes in oil capsules and is taken from the scales of fishes caught in the wild. You can take marine collagen as you take vitamin supplements.

3. Gelatin

Gelatin is a downgraded version of collagen peptides. Unlike the latter, it isn’t easily absorbed by the body because it’s not hydrolyzed. You can take gelatin as an ingredient for your desserts.

3 Examples of Whey Protein Supplements

1. Whey protein concentrate

This whey protein type contains high levels of carbs and fats. Fitness enthusiasts who take WPC are most likely to be bodybuilders and powerlifters because they get a lot of carbs and fats for energy and to build muscle.

2. Whey protein isolate

This whey protein type has undergone a process that has removed most of the carbs, fat, and lactose. It’s the best whey protein for those with lactose intolerance and people who want to cut their bodies and make their muscles lean.

3. Whey protein hydrolysate

This whey protein type is the most expensive among whey powders. It’s also the fastest supplement to be absorbed by the body. It has undergone a hydrolyzation process to the point it’s considered “pre-digested”.

Protein is an essential part of our daily diet. It’s even more needed if you live an active lifestyle. If you’re experiencing signs of protein deficiency, you must talk to your physician as soon as possible or start making balanced meal choices.

Don’t just rely on supplements for your protein needs. Prepare protein-rich foods as well!

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