How to Break up with Bad Habits so You Can Achieve Your Goals
Do you know what’s the best thing about being an NFL or NBA cheerleader? You set yourself up for success in life. If you’re not yet a professional cheerleader, you might wonder why. When you’re a cheerleader, you’re trained to eat healthy all year round and stay fit physically, mentally, and emotionally. A professional cheerleader knows how to push herself and emit a positive energy that attracts the people around her.
So if you’re dreaming to join the pros this year, you need to ace the auditions first. The journey to becoming a professional cheerleader starts with the right preparation. With that, you need to be hyper-aware of poor habits that prevent you from succeeding.
Today, let’s focus on making changes in your habits so that you can move in the direction of your professional cheerleader goals.
Deal with stress and boredom the right way.
Most often than not, bad habits result from feeling stressed and being bored. Are you dealing with a problem at school or work? Do you lack structure in your life? These factors create behaviors that sabotage your preparation for the preliminaries – behaviors such as bingeing on unhealthy foods, dining out too often, and procrastinating your daily workouts.
It’s really your reaction to stress and boredom that matters. Know how to handle them effectively. Think of these things as challenges instead of roadblocks. That way, you can approach them more proactively. Redirect your focus from your worries through meditation and sticking to a self-help routine like yoga or getting some fresh air daily.
Get rid of “big thinking” and take baby steps.
Sometimes, we think that what we want is so big that we feel it’s too difficult to accomplish. This “big thinking” can be the factor that erodes the belief and confidence that you can make it. Beginning now, couple big goals with small steps. Baby steps create daily wins, and those daily wins sum up to become great.
You know you have months ahead of you before the auditions take place. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the future. Instead, consider what you can do today. Own the moment because “now” is all you have. If you do this consistently, you will realize how much progress you have made.
Surround yourself with women who have the same goals.
This isn’t to say that you should get rid of old friends who aren’t into fitness and professional cheerleading. But don’t underestimate the beauty that there is in being around individuals who can help you succeed and not be distracted from the opportunity that is in front of you. It is true that the people you’re with have an impact on your life.
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so the saying goes. To attract the right people, you need to act like the person you want to become – a professional cheerleader. Get involved in places where fitness enthusiasts train, like gyms and dance classes. Join forums and groups online that boost your morale.
Create a mental image of your success.
Before we can make a dream come true, we need to believe in it first. To believe it, we need to picture out what it looks like. Seeing is believing. This is where visualization plays an important role. When you visualize yourself making your team, executing those routines taught in the auditions, and achieving the ideal body weight that increases your chances of meeting the judges’ expectations, the goal becomes more tangible for you.
Visualization makes it easier for you to conquer whatever poor habits you have because it reduces your doubts and builds up your self-confidence. Take, for example, the most successful athletes like Michael Jordan. These people rehearse moments of success in their minds that is why they were able to make it.
Make use of habit reminders.
To form new positive habits, be intentional about them until you’re used to them. A powerful way to do so is to set up triggers to remind you that you need to initiate the behavior. You can write sticky notes about choosing the right foods and placing them on your fridge. Or perhaps you could set an alarm on your phone several times a day to remind you that you need to drink more water.
Good habits start with reminders and habits that serve you well yield rewards. When you see and feel the benefits of your behaviors, you reinforce them until they become automatic.
Final Thoughts
These tips help you realize that breaking up with bad habits and replacing them with good ones isn’t so hard after all. After all your efforts in training yourself to be the kind of woman that the judges would see as a potential, you should be able to cheer as a pro. Achieving this superb goal is satisfying. This is a dream that’s worth fighting for.
Are you living the pro cheer life? Wear your pro cheerleader attitude on your sleeve. Be proud of it.
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