How to Build the Confidence You Need to Show up on the Big Day

I want you to ask yourself right now… Do you feel afraid of being judged? How do you feel about yourself overall? Good or doubtful?

Building up your self-confidence is one of the things you must work on months or a year before a pro cheer audition. Self-confidence allows you to show your “very best version” when dancing, answering questions from the judges, and socializing with your future cheer sisters. 

I’ve gathered a list of confidence-boosting tips from experts, my previous cheer sisters, and people I’ve worked with in the professional cheerleading industry. Let’s get started.

1. Maintain a bright and healthy smile.

Fact: The appearance of your teeth affects your confidence! Dr. Jon Marashi, known as the “Dentist to the Stars,” says that your smile is your greeting card and the first thing that people notice when they meet you. White, straight, and complete teeth will give you the confidence to speak in public and not have to worry about what others think.

2. Look for the right makeup to conceal skin imperfections.

True enough, laser treatments and cosmetic medical procedures to remove acne and scarring can be expensive. You know that your physical appearance, specifically your skin, is one thing you look into when preparing for the auditions. While you may not be able to avail these costly treatments, you can always experiment with the right makeup. Consider a full-coverage foundation that’s gym-proof, long-lasting, and non-comedogenic.

Related post: Looking Flawless During Auditions: Quick Solutions to Skin Problems

3. Always visualize the journey ahead!!!

I personally believe that if you have the right mindset and direct positive energy towards a goal, you can truly achieve that goal. When I prepared myself for pro cheer auditions in the past, what I did was that I visualized the future. In my mind, I painted a picture of myself looking beautiful, polished, and confident more than ever in front of a row of judges. I pictured them out smiling in approval as they wrote down high scores on the score sheet.

4. Sign-up for prep classes.

I will be the first to tell you that as much as possible, join the prep classes that are offered by your dream team. Some teams will tell you that by joining the prep classes, you get a chance to skip the first round of the auditions (if they like your performance during the classes). Nevertheless, taking these classes will boost your confidence because you can get a feel of the actual audition process, polish your dancing, and learn more about the team you’re auditioning for. There will be Q&A’s, a lot of socializing, and best of all, you can meet current team members!

5. Practice, practice, practice.

Even if you’re blessed with good looks and dance skills, pro cheer success does not rely on these aspects alone. To build confidence, what’s really needed is consistency in your practice. If you’re serious about your pro cheer goal, set aside time each day (it doesn’t have to be hours) to workout, dance, research your dream team, or practice public speaking.

Final Thoughts

Use these five proven tips to start building your confidence for the auditions. While it does not happen overnight, it’s built on choices and tiny accomplishments geared towards your passion. They make you more proud and accepting of who you are as a person and future professional cheerleader. 

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