How to Develop Confidence Speaking in Front of a Crowd

How do you get the confidence to speak in public?

I know that a lot of women who want to become professional cheerleaders cringe at the idea of public speaking. This is a crucial area that you should start developing now because it will help you nail the interview portion. And when you finally make the team, you will be in front of the camera many times - not to mention, impromptu on-air and public speaking opportunities.

So today, my goal is to help you ensure that you speak well, regardless of how you feel inside! Know that mastering this skill doesn’t only increase your chances of making the team, but it will also boost your authority and attractiveness overall. Let’s get started.

Five Surefire Tips to Ensure Confident Public Speaking on the Audition Day

1. Use positive mental imagery.

Imagery entails creating a scenario in our mind about a situation we desire in the future. If your mental imagery is about you speaking fluently and confidently on the audition, you will speak that way. If your mental imagery is about you stuttering, then most likely that’s what will happen. Every time you practice speaking, make sure to visualize success. Let your heart and mind embrace that feeling of accomplishment.

2. Slow down when you speak.

Image source: sunsdancers

Speaking at a fast rate gives the impression that a person is nervous. Not only that, a listener will work hard to understand what you’re saying. If you don’t slow down, eventually they will stop listening. Be in control. Speak in a calm manner so that you pause in between phrases and sentences.

3. Stop using crutch words.

Most people have the habit of using certain words when they’re not sure how to proceed. These are crutch words. Common examples of crutch words are just, like, umm, ahh, you know, er, and sort of. If you want to sound confident, eliminate these words. When you catch yourself saying crutch words while practicing answering audition questions, stop. Repeat your answer without those filler words. Instead of allowing yourself to “accidentally” use those words, pause while you think of the right words to say.

4. Keep your hands visible and your gestures to a minimum.

Don’t know what to do with your hands while you speak? Remember not to hide your hands or keep them in one spot. You’ll look timid and nervous. Also, don’t overdo hand gestures like slicing the air repetitively to convey your thoughts. Open palm gestures are fine. It’s also good to drop your hands to the sides for a moment. Be purposeful with those hand movements.

5. Smile!

Image source: dolphinscheer

Uncomfortable scenarios can make you look sad or scared. No matter how nervous you are during the auditions, smile like you’re truly happy and grateful for the experience. Not a creepy smile - but a genuine smile that comes from the heart. You will notice that your emotion will slowly change from a negative to a positive one. Trick your brain into happiness by smiling.

More Audition Day Tips for You

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