How to Develop Mental Toughness in Your Pro Cheer Prep or Career

I want to ask you a question:

Do you have the mental toughness to succeed in your journey to becoming a professional cheerleader or stay positive and engaged as a pro cheerleader?  

Mental toughness is your ability to stay resilient despite the problems and challenges that try to stop you in your tracks. No matter how difficult the situation, when you are mentally tough, you remain in control and likely to meet your life goals.

Developing mental strength helps you live an extraordinary life by helping you in the following ways: 

  • You’re able to conquer self-doubt, and you always aspire to be better than before.
  • On days when you don’t feel like it, you’re able to find the courage to keep going.
  • You’re more capable of tuning out unhelpful criticism from others that surround you.

Today, Pro Cheer Life shares five ways for you to build mental strength:

1. Set yourself up for success.

Each day, make the decision that you’re going to create success moments for yourself. You are capable of putting yourself in situations where you feel empowered and focused. Remember that. One of the ways to create more successful days is to have a morning ritual that involves a 15-minute workout, 5-minute meditation and journaling, and healthy breakfast.

2. Learn to tolerate discomfort.

As humans, our natural tendency is to seek pleasure. But no matter how you try to avoid unpleasant situations in your pro cheer practice and career, still, they happen! The more you loathe them, the more distress you experience. You must be capable of using thoughts that’ll help you cope. What are other coping strategies that help you handle future adverse events?

3. See the good in the bad.

Learn to discover opportunities for growth. If you think the journey is tough and unfair, ask yourself these questions: “How will this help me today and in the future? What lessons can I gain from this experience? What’s the opportunity here?” And do keep in mind that each moment is a moment where you can start over.

4. Repeat a powerful affirmation.

Positive affirmations force you to focus on the present moment. Affirmations guide your current actions by giving your brain a set of instructions. Make sure to use affirmations that are in the present tense. For example, while you’re doing your daily workout for the upcoming pro cheer auditions, you can recite the mantra, “I am getting better and better.”

Related: 20 Pro Cheerleader Motivational Fitness Quotes To Help You Crush Your Goals

5. Give thanks in all circumstances.

Gratitude shouldn’t be expressed in big occasions. To experience its wonderful, life-changing benefits, it must be expressed each day. Learn to appreciate everything around you -- the current resources you have that’ll lead you closer to your pro cheer goals, the opportunity to eat a healthy meal, supportive pro cheer sisters, and even a good night’s rest!


There are many situations in your pro cheer journey that make you want to give up. After all, giving up is easier. But also remember that you have the choice to pursue growth. Connect with your WHY. You only have this one chance to be your best pro cheerleader. Will you take the opportunity?

See yourself cheering for the pros?

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