How to Manage Perfectionism While You're in the Process of Reaching a Pro Cheer Goal

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. While it motivates you to strive for excellence, it can also lead to unrealistic expectations, which may result in self-doubt and the fear of trying new things. When perfectionism becomes excessive, it can become a hindrance to your progress and happiness in professional cheerleading.

Are you currently working on your goals? Whether you’re auditioning for a dance team this year or you’re trying to get better at something (it could be your dance technique or flexibility), there are strategies you can use to manage perfectionism. 

We’ll show you how in this article.

Start with realistic goals 

One of the keys to managing perfectionism is setting realistic goals. Goals that are too high can result in disappointment and frustration if you don’t reach them.

Here’s what you can do instead: Focus on making progress! This means setting goals that are challenging but also achievable. Break down larger goals into smaller ones that are easier to accomplish.

For example, if your goal is to gain more confidence in public speaking, break it down into smaller tasks such as getting into the habit of making eye contact with everyone you interact with and joining training workshops. 

By breaking down larger goals into smaller ones, you can make progress without becoming overwhelmed.

Appreciate the progress you’ve made so far 

When working on your goals, it's important to celebrate your progress. Celebrating your progress helps you stay motivated and positive. Recognize even the smallest accomplishments. This reinforces the idea that you are making progress and moving closer to your goal.

Read more: Little Positive Daily Reminders to Help You Stay Motivated to Reach Your Pro Cheer Goals

Practice self-kindness

Perfectionism often leads to self-criticism and self-doubt. It's important to practice self-compassion to counteract these negative thoughts. Instead of being critical and harsh with yourself, be understanding and compassionate.

For example, if you make a mistake, don't beat yourself up over it. Acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and use them as an opportunity to learn and grow. 

Don’t become too fixated on the outcome

Perfectionism can lead to an unhealthy focus on the end result. Instead of focusing on perfection, focus on progress! This is extremely helpful for those who are preparing themselves for an audition. 

Focus on the small steps you need to take to achieve your goal. More importantly, enjoy the journey of working towards your goal. Ask yourself, “How can I have fun in this whole process?” 

Be fully present 

Practicing mindfulness can help you manage perfectionism by helping you stay present in the moment. When you're mindful, you're fully present and aware of your thoughts and emotions. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common symptoms of perfectionism.

For example, if you're feeling overwhelmed and anxious while you’re practicing a dance routine, pause for a few minutes. Use this time to take slow deep breaths. You could also dwell on a positive affirmation, such as “I believe in myself and support myself.”

Read more: 11 Positive Daily Affirmations to Improve Your Pro Cheer Audition Mindset


Managing perfectionism when working on your goals is essential for progress and happiness. By setting realistic goals, appreciating your progress, practicing self-compassion, and being more mindful you can manage perfectionism while reaching your goal! 

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