How to Meet Your Pro Cheer Goals with Effective Time Management

One of the best skills you can have as someone in the pro cheerleading and dance world is time management. Managing your time well is especially vital for reaching goals that will benefit you and your career, such as increasing your fitness level, picking up choreography faster, and improving your self-confidence. The list goes on.

The truth is that you have the same amount of time as anyone in the world. You just need to know how to manage it properly. That is why, in this article, we’re going to teach you simple time management strategies to help you take control of your day and pro cheer career goals!

Make sure that your goals are achievable.

Whatever it is that you want to accomplish, there’s a greater chance for it to happen within a certain time frame if it’s realistic. It’s important to ask yourself, “How realistic is this goal based on my resources?” Realistic goals also tend to be more motivating than those that are too high.

Read more: Audition Prep: How to Stop Overthinking and Get Things Done

Pick your top priorities for the week.

Start your week by getting clear on the things that you want to be done. Your top priorities can be areas in your audition prep that need a lot of room for improvement — for example, your dance routine for the preliminary round. Or it could be your knowledge about the team you’re auditioning for. The key is to intentionally plan your week before it officially starts (like on a Sunday evening or Monday morning).

Set time limits for a task.

If you’re often juggling with lots of different things, then you’re more likely to spend more (or less) time on something than needed. This could lead to stress and burnout. Instead, a better solution would be to allocate a certain amount of time for meeting a pro cheer goal. For instance, doing 30 minutes of low-intensity steady-state cardio (LISS) from 5:30 to 6:00 am each day to get leaner prior to the audition day. Set an alarm for that goal if it helps!

Read more: 3 Reasons Consistency Is the Key to Progress in Your Fitness Goals (And How to Develop It)

Protect your time.

One of the best tips I’ve ever received (but the hardest too) when it comes to time management is saying NO. Yes, learning to say no to requests so you can prioritize your own work is so important. Saying no doesn’t mean you’re not a nice person — it just means that you have priorities and that you’re setting boundaries. You can say no to anything, such as meetings without agenda, tasks that can be easily outsourced, unhealthy habits (like staying up late at night), and social media.

Final Thoughts

These time management tips will help you hit your goals with ease. Remember to be realistic, plan your top weekly priorities in advance, set definitive time limits, and protect whatever time you have by saying no politely. Here’s to reclaiming time for dancing and pro cheerleading!

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