How to Overcome Distractions While You're Preparing for the Auditions
To say that the days until the audition are not riddled with distractions is a lie. There are a lot of factors that could cause you to stray away from workouts and everything you do for the audition. Cravings and temptations that would entice you into an unexpected cheat day. Along the way, your focus and commitment can also decrease. How do you win over these problems? Let’s explore the strategies below.
1. Keep the audition in mind at all times
No matter what you do, it’s all about the audition. When you bathe, think about the audition. Choosing your OOTD? Put the audition in mind. When you’re about to sleep late, think about how having a good night’s rest will boost your audition. If someone invites you for beers or donuts and it isn’t your cheat day, think about how it would affect your fitness goals.
Read more: 7 Hacks That Will Boost Your Motivation (For Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep)
2. Wake up with plans regarding the audition
Start your day with a plan. What does the audition require that you don’t have yet? Plan a workout to develop your flexibility. Do you still have a problem with public speaking? Practice some extroverted attitude. Out of healthy food? Write a list of foods to buy at the grocery.
3. Break the plans for your audition into smaller parts
Having a lot of plans for a single goal can be overwhelming and this overwhelming feeling can throw you off focus. Schedule a few of them in one day and stick to it. Don’t add more when they’re all done. Save some to rest and plan for tomorrow.
4. Act on those audition plans ASAP
When the reminder or alarm pops up for a planned activity, do it immediately. Don’t think about the circumstances. But before this, make sure that when there’s an activity coming up, you are prepared and on your free time.
5. Always ask yourself why the audition is important
This is a good way to remind yourself how important what you’re doing is and why you should do it. It also is a follow-up to #1 and a good way to hype you into maintaining focus to achieve your audition goals.
6. Put your audition reminder on everything
Do you have a journal? Highlight the workout and diet section. Have that unused frame? Put an inspirational cheerleader’s quote in it. Or use a picture of a professional cheerleader, have her fit body and her gorgeous smile as your phone’s wallpaper.
Read more: Fitness Motivation Quotes to Break out of Your Comfort Zone
7. Control your internal distractions and remove the external
Another follow up to #1 is to practice self-discipline, learn to control your procrastination, and your tendency to make excuses. Throw away your stocked unhealthy food. Stay away from places of non-audition friendly vibes.
8. Make a public commitment
Friends and family members who deeply care for you and want you to succeed will go extra miles just to help you realize your goals. Tell them about the audition and show that you’re committed to it. They will support you on what you need and remind you of the audition. They will also put you back on the right track in case you stray from your goals.
Recognize your weaknesses regarding your inability to focus on your audition goals. Identify your distractions and get rid of them. If you’re able to do most or all of these, then you’re guaranteed to be well prepared for the auditions and for sure you will rock it when that day comes!
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