Pro Cheer Beauty: What Does Vitamin C Do For Your Skin?

Youthful, glowing skin is one of the best assets pro cheerleaders should have from the auditions to the arena. A good skincare routine needs well-chosen beauty products. Vitamin C is one of the main ingredients you should look for in skincare. From anti-aging to restorative benefits, this vitamin is sure to help you achieve beautiful skin.

Benefits of Vitamin C on the Skin

We pop in a Vitamin C supplement when we feel under the weather to boost immunity. But, its benefits also extend to the skin. Here are some of them:

It Promotes Production of Collagen

Are you worried about wrinkles, sagging skin, and the other symptoms of aging? Collagen deficiency may be a result of a lack of Vitamin C. This vitamin is essential in the production of collagen. When you boost collagen production, you can enjoy firmer and toned skin sans fine lines.

It Lightens Skin Discoloration

If you are struggling with melanoma, age spots, and freckles from sun exposure, try to use Vitamin C serum. Such type of beauty product can lighten skin discoloration and stops melanin formation. It can also help lighten acne marks. As a result, you can enjoy an even skin tone and a youthful glow.

It Hydrates the Skin

Vitamin C does a lot to make your skin soft and supple. This vitamin is known to decrease water loss in the skin and helps your skin retain moisture.

Read more: The Importance of Moisturizing in Your Skincare Routine

It Can Soothe Sunburn

Forgot to put on sunblock while you were at the beach? It’s good to know that you can turn to Vitamin C-packed products like oils and serums to reduce the reddening of the skin due to UVB exposure while treating sunburn.

It Speeds Up Wound Healing

Applied topically, Vitamin C can speed up healing of wounds and burns, even severe burns. Speeding up the healing of wounds and burns can help reduce infections and inflammation. It also supports the growth of new tissues so you won’t have to deal with scars from cuts and burns.

It Helps Treat Eczema

If you have sensitive skin prone to allergies and eczema, 500 to 1000mg of Vitamin C along with 15mg of zinc can help cure the skin condition.

It is Safe to Use on Most Skin Types

Vitamin C is one of the few components of beauty products that can benefit every type of skin from oily to dry. Topical Vitamin C can be used for an extended period without adverse reactions.

Best Time to Apply Vitamin C on Skin

You can incorporate Vitamin C into your daily skincare routine right after using your toner. When applied in the morning, it can boost skin protection against the harmful sun’s rays. When applied at night, Vitamin C can help repair skin.

Vitamin C Skincare products | Buying Guide


Vitamin C goes by different names but the most effective for skincare is L-ascorbic acid. Make sure L-ascorbic acid is one of the first five ingredients of the beauty product you choose.


It is advisable to start with lower Vitamin C concentration and work your way up. 10 to 20% Vitamin C should be enough. Going lower than 8% will decrease its effectiveness while going over 20% can lead to skin irritation.


Vitamin C should not be exposed to air and sunlight to avoid oxidation which decreases its effectiveness. So, opt for vitamin C products in dark amber bottles, pump bottles or squeeze tubes.


Good Vitamin C serums are clear or yellow in color. If it starts yellow and turns dark orange or brown, the product has already oxidized. If it starts clear and turns yellow, it has lost its potency.

Other ingredients

Boost the power of Vitamin C by opting for a product that combines this vitamin with Vitamin E and ferulic acid. Other ingredients that work well with Vitamin C are Aloe for soothing and hyaluronic acid for smooth skin.


Vitamin C skincare products can range in price from $25 to over $100. Consider the quality, added ingredients, concentration, and formulation when choosing brands based on budget.

Final Thoughts

When shopping for beauty products for your pro cheerleading skincare, be on the lookout for Vitamin C in the ingredients. This vitamin can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, sagging skin, and dullness. It also helps heal acne marks, sunburn, wounds, and burns. Best of all, it works its wonders on any skin type.

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Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams