Top Things You Should Never Do to Your Skin

If you're going to make the team, one thing you should do is to invest in your appearance. Your skin is your largest, most visible organ. That said, you need to give it the TLC it needs to keep it looking amazing until the big day and onwards. In this article, you will learn the top things you should avoid at all costs to prevent irritation, acne flare-ups, and scarring. 

Over-exfoliating your skin.

Don't get me wrong here; exfoliation is amazing because it removes dead skin cells that cause many skin issues. Exfoliation facilitates skin renewal. However, overdoing exfoliation has the opposite effect on your skin. If you have normal or combination skin, it's okay to exfoliate 2-3 times a week. Those with sensitive skin should limit exfoliation to once a week.

Not drinking enough water.

Your hydration level influences the appearance of your skin. Not drinking enough water causes water retention which exacerbates and worsens the appearance of cellulite. Proper hydration does not only reduce cellulite appearance, but it also helps flush out toxins to give you more radiant and younger-looking skin.  

Leaving home every day without applying sunscreen. 

Skin aging and skin cancers can result from a lack of skin protection. It doesn't matter what type of skin you have and what the weather is; sunblock is essential. Broad spectrum sunscreen will help prevent those dark spots on your face called sunspots. When you're planning a day in the sun, be sure to cover as much skin as possible for extra protection. 

Compulsive picking. 

A lot of women find it tempting to pick or scratch at acne, hoping that it will go away. Picking can lead to an infection. It can also leave scars that take forever to heal. Visit a dermatologist to get proper treatment. For natural remedies, they include keeping your hands off your face, removing makeup before going to bed, drinking more water, and cutting out sugar from your diet! 

Using expired products. 

Using makeup that's past its expiration date causes skin or eye infection since the preservatives are no longer effective. When preservatives break down, bacteria starts to grow in the product. Be sure to keep an eye on the product once you start using it. Set a calendar reminder to note the expiration date. 

More Pro Cheer Beauty and Appearance Tips for You...

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