Resistance Band Training: 5 Do's and Don'ts to Maximize Your Workouts

In a previous article, we’ve discussed what variable resistance training is and why you should include it in your pro cheer fitness program. It was for the purpose of keeping you challenged to avoid being bored in your exercises and gaining weight due to your body being efficient in your workout.

Since variable resistance training uses resistance bands most of the time, here’s everything you need to know before using them.


1. Use a very tight band

Bands that are too tight or resistant will put too much stress on your joints and strain on your muscles causing injury. Most of the time, overly-tight bands mess with your body alignment which then ruins your workout quality.

2. Let the band tension do some of your work

Letting the force of the band’s contraction put your body back to your initial position won’t allow you to get most of the benefits from resistance band workouts. Always maintain control of your movement whether it’s expanding or contracting. If this is hard to do, use a lighter band.

3. Overstretch your band

Overstretching your band will cause it to tear which could snap and cause you an injury.

4. Buy cheap bands

Cheap doesn’t always mean good and easily affordable bands have a high chance of breaking. Some even do not follow resistance color coding. You might end up buying a band that says it’s resistance level is strong but light in reality.

5. Store your band in humid or sunny areas

Putting your bands in a place that’s directly exposed to the sun will cause the rubber to expand. Placing them in a humid location causes bacteria and molds to grow on them. Either way, this will ruin the band’s material that could cause it to break and snap back at you.


1. Use the right resistance band for a workout

There are 7 main types of resistance bands and each has its own specific use.

  • Therapy bands - Flat surface. Used for rehabilitation.
  • Compact bands - Tube-shaped. Used to train upper body, arms, lower body.
  • Fit loop bands - Flat surface. Used to train the lower body.
  • Figure 8 bands - Tube-shaped. Used to train the lower body.
  • Ring resistance bands - Tube-shaped. Used to train the lower body.
  • Lateral resistance bands - Combination of velcro and tube-shaped. Used to train the lower body.
  • Pull Up Bands - Similar to fit loop bands but are used to assist in chin-ups.

2. Know the color meanings for each resistance bands

The color of a resistance band explains how much resistance force it has.

  • Yellow - Extra light.
  • Red - Light.
  • Green - Medium.
  • Blue - Heavy
  • Black - Extra heavy.

3. Inspect your band before you use it

Your resistance band might have incurred a small tear, hole, or any type of damage from being stored or transported. These unseen damages might cause the band to break in the middle of your workout which will cause you an injury. To be safe, always check the band’s condition first.

4. Exercise without a band first

Resistance bands are designed to help add difficulty to your workouts once you’ve reached your plateau. Always be efficient in your fitness program before buying and using a resistance band.

5. Take your time before using harder bands

As said in #1 of Don’ts, resistance bands that are too tight will cause too much stress, strain, and misalignment in your joints, muscles, and body posture. These can all be avoided if you start by buying and using a lighter band first before going for a tighter one.

Resistance bands are affordable pieces of equipment to use in keeping your workouts difficult and challenging. However, there are different types of them with different resistance forces. Some target specific muscle groups and others are made to match your current strength. Learn everything about resistance bands first before using them to get most of your workouts and avoid injuries.

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