Understanding pH and Its Role in Achieving Great Skin

Recall “pH” way back in your science class. pH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of something, and it plays a significant role in skin health. Yes, your skin has its own pH levels. Keeping your skin pH within range is the key to flawlessness.

A lot of women who want to audition for an NFL or NBA pro cheer team often worry about acne and inflammation. While concealing these skin imperfections is a great thing to do (and I highly recommend it), it’s best to know why they happen and the importance of pH. 

Let’s geek out for a while here. After all, understanding the science of your skin is the key to attaining maximum beauty as an aspiring professional cheerleader.

What is your “acid mantle” and the factors that damage it?

The acid mantle is basically the barrier of your skin. Found on your skin’s top layer, it keeps bacteria and pollutants out and preserves moisture and lipids. If your skin feels smooth and supple now, thank your acid mantle for it.

Now you see how essential it is to take good care of your acid mantle - like your life depends on it. Unfortunately, most of us go through our days using products and doing things that harm your acid mantle. The result is a pH level that’s out of balance which often results in pimples, acne, dryness, and redness.

Things that damage your acid mantle: 

  • Over cleansing
  • Standard soaps
  • Using too many chemical products
  • Unprotected sun exposure
  • Excessive scrubbing
  • Prolonged stress
  • Poor diet

While your skin heals itself in minutes, it takes several weeks for the damage in your acid mantle to be reversed.

How to Restore and Maintain Optimal Skin pH

Thankfully, there are simple ways to heal your skin and keep it beautiful. Read the tips below and be sure to apply them to your daily beauty routine.

1. Choose a good moisturizer.

Among the products that balance your skin pH moisturizers are a must-have. Regardless of your skin type, whether it’s dry or oily, you need a good moisturizer. Ingredients that restore the natural oils of your skin include olive, jojoba, flaxseed, and marula. They’re gentle and anti-bacterial.

2. Wash your face before going to bed.

We’re all guilty of sleeping with makeup on our faces. Our schedules can be pretty hectic. Accomplishing an evening beauty routine can be the last thing on our minds. Unwashed makeup is detrimental to skin health. It prevents your skin from healing and creates an uneven pH value. This explains why you develop pimples.

3. Stop using traditional soaps.

The problem with traditional bar soaps is that they are very alkaline. These soaps contain surfactants that strip off your skin’s acid mantle. It’s best to avoid scented bars and soap ingredients like Sodium Stearate, Sodium Lauroyl Isethionate, and Cocamidopropyl Betaine. Use a pH balanced body wash instead or an all-natural, hypoallergenic pure glycerin soap.

4. Apple cider vinegar as a toner or acne treatment.

Otherwise known as ACV, apple cider vinegar makes a great skin care product. The pH level of ACV is close to your skin’s pH level. Not only is ACV antibacterial and a skin softener, it also minimizes pores. Make sure to dilute ACV with water before applying to your skin with a cotton ball. Follow up with a moisturizer for the best results.

Suggested reading: Top 6 Organic Skin and Hair Beauty Hacks to Try Now

5. Eat healthily and stay away from the bad stuff.

Leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fruit juices - they prevent your skin from being too acidic. They are a good source of antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E). Acid-forming foods to steer clear of include processed foods, sugar, dairy, and caffeine. Remember that nourishing from within is the best secret to achieving beautiful skin.

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