10 Realistic Fitness Goals to Set This Year

It’s good to set fitness goals as accomplishing them would be a great way to make your pro cheer journey easier. By the time you’ve achieved these goals, you’ll have a great physique that’s ideal for a pro cheerleader and the athleticism to dance well for auditions and live performances.

But it’s all fun and games until you realize halfway throughout your progress that they’re actually challenging to fulfill. This is true especially for those who have set ambitious fitness goals at the start of the year. Sometimes you can get discouraged and never accomplish anything at all.

Instead, take it easy this 2022 by aiming to achieve more realistic fitness goals. Take inspiration from this list.

1. Create a workout program that you’ll actually enjoy

You can choose a workout program from your fitness instructor or the internet to follow. But chances are that you won’t like it in the long run. What you should do is compile exercise routines you’ll love doing and make them into one specialized program just for yourself.

2. Try new workouts if you reach a plateau

Once you feel you’re efficient in completing your daily exercise routine and maintaining your weight is getting hard, create a new exercise program with a new set of workouts you’ll enjoy. Better yet, follow a workout program with exercises that would benefit your pro cheer career.

3. Stretch more often

Stretchings are great ways to improve flexibility and prevent injuries during a workout session. They’re also easy to do. Each day, aim to stretch all of your muscles for at least 30 minutes before doing your exercise program.

4. Execute all exercises in their correct form

Following the proper form during a workout is paramount to achieving the best results. If you felt you weren’t getting the expected results from your exercises last year, understand the fundamentals of each workout routine so you can do them with the right form and effort. You’ll know you’re on the right track if the specific muscles targeted by an exercise get sore. 

5. Set the bar low at first

Start with easy workouts such as push-ups, pull-ups, leg presses, and jogging. Do a few reps, sets, and for a short duration. Don’t dive right away into a punishing workout regime. You’ll only exhaust yourself and cause painful muscle sores that would discourage you from achieving your fitness goal.

6. Play the long game

Change your mindset about fitness results. No matter how many ads you’ll see on the TV and internet, results from workout out don’t come in just a few days. Be patient. Set your thoughts to only expect results after months of training.

7. Follow a consistent exercise schedule

While it’s still the first week of the year, you should set a workout schedule now and inform everybody else about it. It’s easier to make your boss, employees, friends, and family members understand your new schedule because they’ll consider it as part of your new year’s resolutions. Once they know your new workout schedule, stick to it for you’ll have no excuses to miss a fitness session.

8. Participate in at least one race

This year, aim to join and finish at least one race. It may be a 3k, 5k, or 10k run. What’s important is that you can test the results of your training and if you’re physically fit to be a pro cheerleader.

9. Do a 3-minute plank once a week

Planking has a lot of benefits, especially for the core. At first, it’s easy to do but the longer you hold a plank, the harder it gets. So challenge yourself by doing it for 3 minutes. You don’t need to do it every day but you have the option to. Just remember to do it correctly.

10. Focus on one fitness goal at a time

Lastly, with all the fitness goals you set, aim to complete them one at a time. There’s no rush at this time because the next NFL and NBA season would start in the second half of this year.

Have you already accomplished these fitness goals or want to set different ones? Try to remember where you left off and what you lacked last year. Then create a new set of fitness targets to achieve. Remember to keep them realistic based on your current situation.

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