10 Uplifting Pro Cheer Quotes for Helping You Get Through Tough Times

Whether it’s caused by global events or personal issues, we can agree that we’re all going through tough times. These hardships come in all forms. Sometimes they’re big. Other times they’re small. And there are occasions when they happen consecutively or separately.

Yet, tough times are a part of life. Think of it as if one side of a wheel is about challenges, happy times are on the opposite, and the wheel is turning constantly. Today you could be excited to workout and hone your talent in dancing for the whole day.

However, the next day, you could lose all your motivation to just even leave your bed. Which is why in this article, we present a few quotes that you can read when your world feels gray and dull.

1. “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” — Duke Ellington

You’ll never know what you lack and need to improve on about being a dancer until it becomes a challenge in your pro cheer career. So if you feel inadequate compared to others, remember that it’s an opportunity to learn and be better.

2. “I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars.” — Og Mandino

Throughout the tough times in your life as an aspiring or current pro cheerleader, never forget to find happiness — even if the source of that joy is unrelated to the career or small and simple.

3. “Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing.” — L.M. Montgomery

Succeeding in a pro cheer audition is good. But it’s better to experience rejection. Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat. Without failure, you also won’t undergo growth.

4. “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” — Maya Angelou

The experiences you’ll receive as you take the pro cheer path will change you as a woman. Yet, the most important thing is that it won’t change you for the worse.

5. “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” — Helen Keller

Pain, discouragement, and sadness are everywhere. It may be in dancing, fitness, and beauty. But they can be dealt with through perseverance and not giving up on yourself.

6. Turn your wounds into wisdom.” — Oprah Winfrey

Let all the negativities you’ve been through in your pro cheer career be a lesson for your future endeavors.

7. “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Control your emotions and thoughts. You will think and feel you’re not enough because you allow yourself to. Be proud of the progress you’ve made even if they’re few or small and be even more proud for what’s to come.

8. “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually fear that you will make one.” — Elbert Hubbard

Fear leads to paranoia and paranoia leads to inaction. You’ll never move closer to your pro cheer goals unless you take risks. If you fail, pick yourself up and try again or change your strategy. If you succeed, then good for you.

9. “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” — Robert Schuller

Sometimes you won’t have a relaxed schedule to complete your audition prep tasks. Other times you’ll have the time to polish your dance moves. But if you clench your fist to endure a stressful and hectic schedule, you’ll get used to it and do all the necessary things to succeed in the auditions.

10. “Thankfully, persistence is a great substitute for talent.” — Steve Martin

You may not have what it takes to be the ideal pro cheerleader today. But if you won’t ever give up on the pro cheer dream, you’ll do your best to be able to dance in an arena no matter how long it will take and what the cost will be.

Motivation is like a fire within our souls. At times, it will weaken and go out. If you want to keep your motivation burning to achieve your dream of becoming a pro cheerleader, you must constantly feed it with fuel. One effective way to do so is to visualize the future you want to have.

Here are more blog posts for your Monday motivation!

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