8 Dance Styles to Learn In Your Living Room

Advanced-level dancing requires larger dance spaces because there are a lot of leaps, tumbles, and flips. But that’s not what we’re going to talk about in this article. Here, I’m going to introduce to you easy dance styles that are safe to practice in the convenience of your own home - the living room in particular.

1. Jazz Funk

This dance is more on slow sexy body rolls, sassy grooves, and booty dips which doesn’t require too much footwork. If you aim to impress the judges with sexy-routines and less effort, Jazz Funk is the perfect style to choose from.

2. Hip-hop

Hip-hop is a dance that originated in parties and clubs. Since the dancefloors in these places are crowded, the primary routines of hip-hop dancing require only a little space. Examples of hip-hop moves are The Dougie, Roger Rabbit, and Biz Markie.

3. Popping

Looking to cover a little more dancing space? Popping might just be your thing. Here, you’ll learn smooth yet controlled isometric motions that will show judges your modern dance skill. Not only will you do waving hand motions, but you’ll also incorporate foot gliding in a simultaneous manner.

4. Whacking

While Zumba is an exercise-type of dance, Whacking is its performance form. This dance is also relatively easier to learn. All you need to do is start with arm lines - swinging your arms side to side while making small side steps to your arm swing direction.

5. Dancehall

Combine all the dance styles in this list and you’ll have Dancehall. This dance style is practically freestyling with all the moves you know in the book - whether it may look wacky or serious.

You can choose to start your routine with Jazz Funk, then progress to Twerking, and end with Hip-hop. The best part of it? You won’t even get out of your living room carpet’s square area!

6. Disco

I’ve included disco in this list not because it’s an ideal dance style to showcase at the audition. The reason I’m suggesting disco is that it’s a good dance to make your hips soft and flexible for other dance routines.

The routine is simple. Stand in position with your feet hip-width apart. Lean your body to the right side and stick your butt out to the opposite direction. Bend your left knee. Raise your right arm overhead with your index finger pointing up.

Then, bring your arm down while pointing your finger to the floor. As you do that, swing your hip inward from the left to the right. As you get in the groove, alternate your arm raises and body position while adding more wiggling movements to your hips.

7. Hula

Another dance style to soften your hips is the Hawaiian Hula. It’s not like Disco where your hips swing in a single line. In Hula, your hips move in a circular motion. Like Disco, Hula is a good startup routine to add to your entire showcase dancing.

Pro cheer tip: Start your dance with sexy hip twirling. Then, follow it up by bending down and touching your legs with both hands. End your intro sequence with a perfect hair toss. That will surely stun the judges and the crowd!

8. Tap

Tap is a dance for improving your footwork and choreography memorization. Not only that, but it’s a great finishing move to full performance. 

Here’s how to do it: Put your hands on your waist. Tap dance for a good 5 seconds then do a full pirouette. End your performance with a dropping frontal split with your hands stretched, while pointing up, and a smile on your face.

Dancing in your living room limits your ability to learn complex dance styles that are good for arena cheerleading. So we recommend joining a dancing studio or setting up one in your own home. If that option is unavailable, install an interlocking floor tile in your living room to make your gliding easier. Have fun practicing!

Want to improve your choreographic skills? Learn from these blogs:

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