Animal Flow Workouts: What They Are, Benefits, and 5 Different Movements to Get Started

There are plenty of workout styles out there. Some can be done at home, the gym, or the outdoors. Others need specialized equipment while a few require little to none at all. However, we’re breaking away from the usual fitness tradition this time.

Instead of discussing exercise methods made by people over the years, we’re going to tackle a fitness routine inspired by the movements of non-humans - the Animal Flow Workouts. Keep on reading to know more about it, the benefits it can give to you as a pro cheer community member, and its various forms.

What are Animal Flow Workouts?

Animal flow is a workout style that mimics the movement of quadrupedal organisms and arthropods. It’s mainly a bodyweight workout plan but sometimes includes the use of equipment such as gliding discs and fitness balls.

4 Benefits of Animal Flow Workouts

1. Improves your physical performance

Because animal flow is a bodyweight workout, it can increase the strength of muscles all over your body. The movements also make your joints more flexible for full-range motions which are necessary for arena dancing.

2. Enhances your proprioception

Proprioception or kinesthesia is your ability to sense the movement and positioning of your different body parts. As a result of animal flow, your brain and muscle coordination improves. This heightens your sense of balance and motion making your dance moves accurate even if you perform with your eyes closed.

3. It can make you feel younger

During our younger years, we mimicked the movement of animals we see around us. Examples are frogs, cats, dogs, and monkeys. Through animal flow, you’re able to reconnect with your inner child for a mood boost - something you need as a member of the pro cheer community.

4. Can be done anywhere

The problem with most workouts nowadays is that you need fitness equipment or environments to pull them off. But with animal flow workouts, you can do them in the comfort of your home with not even a yoga mat required. This is a great help for you to stay fit as an aspiring or current pro cheerleader on a budget.

5 Animal Flow Movements

1. Static Beast

This form mimics the movement of four-legged animals when they arch their backs to stretch. It’s good for releasing tension on your shoulder blades and joints while strengthening your arm and leg muscles.

2. Crab Reach

Although the crab reach doesn’t make you resemble a crustacean, it’s a position that will release spine and hip tension through bending and stretching. Holding this form will also strengthen your leg, arm, and core muscles. Remember to breathe properly to avoid lightheadedness.

3. Side Kick Through

The side kick through is a move inspired by orangutans when they reposition from one tree branch to another using their feet. By extending one leg and keeping the other folded and off the ground, you’re able to strengthen the muscles in your lower body.

4. Scorpion Reach

Just as the name suggests, the scorpion’s reach requires you to move as if you’re primed to sting a prey. This animal flow is a full-body exercise so expect it to be difficult. Despite being a challenge, the scorpion reach is a good workout to loosen up multiple stiff joints in your body.

5. Travelling Ape

Also known as the monkey shuffle, the traveling ape is an exercise that will train the coordination of your upper and lower limbs. Although this move is inspired by primates, you can do it with your palm on the ground instead of knuckle-walking.

Even though animal flow workouts are different from the exercise routines we know of, you still shouldn’t skip warmups and cooldowns. By following these standard fitness procedures, you’ll allow your body to adjust to the demands of the exercise, preventing cramps midway. You’ll also reduce the intensity of muscle soreness after your session.

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Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: