Beauty Safety 101: 9 Harmful Ingredients to Avoid When Choosing Cosmetics and Skincare Products

Learning to choose the right makeup for yourself is a must. By doing this, you’ll be able to style yourself in a way that your beauty is amplified in the auditions, arena, or the public. But while makeup enhances your looks, some ingredients in cosmetics can damage your skin and even affect your health.

Avoid these chemicals by looking for them in the label before buying makeup.

1. Parabens

This ingredient is the most harmful one on this list and it’s easily absorbed through the skin. Sad to say, it’s found in 70-90% of cosmetics and is used as a preservative. Paraben is linked to skin and breast cancer and can also affect fertility rates.

2. Artificial fragrance

Cosmetic companies aren’t obligated to disclose what chemicals they use when it comes to fragrances. But one thing we know for sure, fragrances can disrupt hormones, trigger allergies, and cause lung problems. Why does your makeup need to smell good anyway?

3. Triclosan and triclocarban

Triclocarban and triclosan are antimicrobial chemicals commonly found in antibacterial soaps and deodorants. They are also used in some cosmetic products. They cause thyroid problems, impaired immune system, and muscle function.

4. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate

SLS and SLES are foaming agents that can cause skin irritation and allergies. Since these chemicals undergo sulfation processes, they produce a byproduct called “nitrosamines”. These byproducts are believed to be carcinogenic - meaning they can cause cancer.

5. Toluene

Toluene is a petrochemical solvent that is commonly found in hair dyes and nail polishes. It is volatile, toxic to your immune system, can cause blood cancer, and birth defects. You do not want this chemical on your body especially if you’re pregnant.

6. Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)

BHA is commonly found in perfumes and exfoliants. It is a chemical classified as a possible carcinogenic and can affect thyroid hormones as well as reproductive system development. This ingredient has also shown to exhibit neurotoxic effects.

7. Aminophenol, diaminobenzene, phenylenediamine (coal tar)

Coal tar is a byproduct of coal processing which is also a known human carcinogen. In fact, it’s banned as a shampoo and hair dye ingredient in Europe. Coal tar is only used for skin medication for conditions like dandruff, eczema, and psoriasis, and dandruff.

8. Lead

This is going to surprise you. Lead is commonly found in lipsticks, eyeliners, and foundations. It’s the same chemical that causes severe health problems, especially in children. Now, imagine this chemical sitting on your lips every day. Nasty right?

9. Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives

If you don’t know what formaldehyde is, it’s a pungent-smelling chemical that is used when creating construction materials. In its liquid form, it’s used during an embalming process to preserve the dead bodies of people for a wake.

Of course, cosmetic companies won’t label their products for containing formaldehyde. However, they mix different chemicals together that when decomposed, formaldehyde is released.

And when it does, you’ll experience burning sensations in the throat, eyes, and nose. You’ll also experience skin irritation, coughing, nausea, and wheezing. Here are examples of formaldehyde-releasing preservatives you should look out for when choosing your cosmetics:

  • 5-Bromo-5nitro-1,3-dioxane
  • Bronopol (2-Bromo-2-nitropropane-1, 3-diol)
  • Methenamine
  • Sodium hydroxymethyl glycinate
  • Quaternium-15
  • Imidazolidinyl urea
  • Diazolidinyl urea
  • DMDM hydantoin

There is no sure way to completely avoid these harmful chemicals. One cosmetic line can contain one harmful ingredient while lacking the other and another cosmetic line could be the same.

Natural products aren’t also 100% safe because they can have a higher level of toxic elements than conventional cosmetics. However, there are four ways to keep your skin and body safe from harmful chemicals. Read the label before buying your cosmetics, apply the recommended amount, don’t wear makeup every day, and remove your makeup before sleeping.

Discover more beauty-related articles here!

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