How to Create an Action Plan to Reach Your Pro Cheer Goals

They say, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I believe this is true because how are you supposed to get from Point A to Point B without having a guide? You can’t just workout, practice dancing, or learn proper makeup application when you want to and expect yourself to be the perfect candidate for the auditions. 

Judges will test your pro cheer skills and so will the coaches in the squad. To meet their expectations and requirements, you need to have an action plan and follow it. Here’s how.

Step #1: Make a list of pro cheer goal destinations

Pro cheerleaders are required to dance, be strong, agile, light, confident, healthy, know proper makeup, and so on. To make a proper pro cheer goal destination, you should take inspiration from what the coaches and judges need in you.

Step #2: Write down these goals clearly

As said in step #1, pro cheer goals should be inspired by the pro cheerleader requirement list. When written down, each goal should be short, simple to read, and easy to follow. Here are a few examples:

  • To have toned muscles. 
  • To smile in front of a crowd and not be shy.
  • To dance without tripping.
  • To dance without getting tired easily.
  • To have a toned belly.

Step #3: Write down what you need to do for each goal

When you have a goal destination, follow it up by writing down bullets of what you should do to achieve that goal. Do it like this:

To have a slender belly I must..

    • Reduce my consumption of junk food to only a bar of chocolate a week.
    • Stay away from other forms of carbohydrates and take in more protein and fiber.
    • Do a lot of cardio, dancing, and abdominal muscle workouts.

Step #4: Think about the time frame to achieve these goals

Now that you have a goal and a plan to achieve that, the next thing to do is think about how long it takes to achieve that goal. Consider your resources, commitment, attitude, time available to prepare, equipment available, and etc.

Step #5: Set a specific and realistic deadline for them

If you’re an aspiring pro cheerleader your deadline for accomplishing a pro cheer goal must be close to the audition day. For example, if today is September 25 and your audition day is within 3 months, your goal should be written like this, “GOAL: To have toned muscles. (Deadline: December 21)”. For current pro cheerleaders, you can go light or heavy on your goal timeline. As long as the coach is patient with you then you don’t have anything to worry about.

Step #6: Schedule your to-dos

Pro cheer goal? Checkbox. What do I need to achieve it? Checkbox. Deadline to achieve it? Checkbox. If you got all of these checked, the next task you should do is schedule when to perform your to-dos. They should be specific as well. 

Let’s go back to step #3 and look at the 3rd to-do. It says, “Do a lot of cardio, dancing, and abdominal muscle workouts,” right? So your to-do schedule should be written this way:

Step #7: Review your progress

Your action plan is now finished. All that is needed is for you to stick to it. Make sure you write your to-dos in your daily planner. Each planned activity for the day must have a checkbox so you’ll track your progress easily throughout your goal achievement period. Leave the front page for your pro cheer goals for your reminder and inspiration.

The better you know yourself, the more effective your action plan will be. Don’t set goals or to-dos that you’re sure to find it hard to follow. Instead, go light at the start. If you can’t dance well yet, aim to lose balance for at least one to two instances. Once you get better, start to aim for perfection. I hope this helps you a lot!

Do You Picture Yourself As A Professional Cheerleader? Get Expert Advice From Someone Who's Been There.

If you dream of joining a dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams will guide you every step of the way.

I wrote this book because I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO DISCOVER the best tips and advice on staying fit and beautiful, adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, and more... so you can MAKE YOUR DREAM TEAM! 

My tips are based on my 20+ years of experience in the professional cheerleading industry.

Grab a copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams