What Does Blue Light Do to Your Skin? (And How to Prevent Damage)

We’ve been living nowadays mostly with the assistance of technology. The people we come across always have some sort of screened device in their pocket or bag. While this progress has made our lives easier, it also presents some risks.

One of those is skin damage through blue light exposure. Blue light mostly comes from our computer, smartphone, and TV screens. But what exactly is blue light and how does it affect your skin? Keep on reading to find out.

What is Blue Light and What Does It Do to Your Skin?

Blue light is a type of illumination produced in blue wavelengths. This means that it is emitted in short yet high-energy waves. It is also quite similar to UV rays. The differences are that blue light is slightly longer and less powerful than ultraviolet waves.

Although blue light is less powerful than UV rays, it can still cause your skin to undergo some negative changes. Examples are pigmentation, cell shrinkage, and death. Too much blue light exposure can also speed up your skin’s aging process making it more wrinkled, dry, and rough.

This could badly affect your beauty as a pro cheerleader. It will make you look more mature than your actual age. As a result, you’ll have to wear heavier cosmetics to look younger. And that will ultimately lead to more skin damage.

5 Ways on How to Prevent Skin Damage from Blue Light

1. Reduce screen time

Whether you’re working, studying, or at home, keep a conscious effort to lessen your time spent in front of a screened device. That includes taking breaks, limiting your smartphone app use, and turning all your devices off an hour before going to bed.

Not only does this prevent skin damage from blue light, but you’ll also get to follow a healthy sleeping routine which in turn prevents dark circles.

2. Wear sunscreen

The use of sunscreen doesn’t apply alone to outdoor and pro cheer activities like squad rehearsals and arena performances. You can also wear sunscreen if you face a computer most of the time.

Remember to pick sunscreens that contain zinc oxide and other mineral SPF formulas. Chemical SPF formulas will only protect your skin against UV rays and not visible light like blue light.

3. Install blue light screen protector to your devices

The best way to protect your skin from blue light damage is to stop it at its source. A blue light screen protector will filter out the blue light emitted from your device screen. There are different types of screen protectors out there.

You have protectors for your computer, TV, and smartphone screen. They can also protect your devices from screen damages after being dropped or squished. The only drawback to screen protectors is that using your devices will also cause you to feel less alert.

4. Wear BB cream

Aside from using SPF sunscreens for blue light protection, you can also use BB creams to reflect that light back. The good thing about using a BB cream is that it also doubles as a cosmetic and skin care product.

This means you’re not only protecting your skin against blue light damage. You’re also helping your makeup stick to your face during pro cheer auditions, live arena performances, and as part of your evening skincare routine.

5. Apply topical antioxidants

Since blue light causes oxidative stress, it’s only right to load your skin up with antioxidants. Choose topical serums with ingredients like phloretin, vitamin C, and ferulic acid. These ingredients will help your skin stay smooth, young, and plump by fighting pigmentation and free radicals.

You may not see or feel the damage done by using screened devices today. But it’s better that you know what it can do to your skin as early as possible. This is to prevent negative effects to your pro cheer beauty.

Want more tips on how to care for your skin? Read these blog posts!

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