What Risks Will You Have to Take to Reach Your Pro Cheer Dream?

Image Source: Chicago Luvabulls Instagram


Like any career, pro cheerleading requires you to take a lot of risks in order to reach it. During your journey, you’d even find yourself asking, “How can this dream be so meticulous to achieve?”, “Are these things really necessary to be done?”, and “Is everything really worth it in the end?”

We’ll answer these questions for you and discuss which exactly are the gambles you should make to secure a spot on your dream squad.

Why Taking Risks is Necessary

Every desired outcome such as making your dream pro cheer team needs a series of prerequisites to be fulfilled. Most of the time, these prerequisites involve sacrifices and gambles with low chances of success. But there is one universal truth: Nothing will happen if you don’t act.

You can’t expect to just walk into a pro cheer audition unprepared and be told by the judges that you’ve passed the preliminary, semifinal, final audition, and interview. You need to adopt lifestyle and mindset changes that best suits that of a pro cheerleader.

As Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers said, “If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done.” This quote alone clearly explains why you need to take risks in order to achieve your dream of becoming a pro cheerleader.

3 Risks to Take If You Want to Make the Team This Year

1. Health and Fitness

It's time to say goodbye to unhealthy food choices and a sedentary lifestyle. Pro cheerleading is a profession of athleticism and wellness. Without physical training, you’ll never have the strength, stamina, endurance, flexibility, and agility required to dance well whenever the squad is required to. Let alone perform the given audition choreography in an accurate and lively way.

It’s also worth mentioning that health and fitness are the foundations of pro cheerleading. Not only because pro cheerleaders need to follow a standard of physical attractiveness, but because also they’re required to attend all squad activities. And one surefire way to fulfill the latter is to be healthy by staying fit and making the right food choices, whether you like it or not.

2. Financial

We’d be lying if we were to tell you that pursuing a pro cheerleading career is easily affordable. Dance classes, cosmetics, audition attire, healthy food, workout apparel, transportation costs, you name it. All of these do not come in cheap.

Which is why if you’re not born with a silver spoon or a Kardashian, we suggest that you really set aside buying unnecessary stuff and focus your money on your audition prep needs. Yes, that means laying off your daily coffee shop purchases, weekly shopping, restaurant eating, uncalled night outs, and unplanned outings.

3. Relationships

Aside from staying physically and financially healthy, you also need to look out for your mental and emotional health. To do so, you need to cut off people who bring most or nothing but negativity into your life. That could be a friend talking behind your back, a relative who discourages your choices, or a lover that’s causing you too much stress, you know the type.

It’s time to form and strengthen relationships with those actually trying to help and support you. Better yet, be friends with people that have connections to the world of pro cheerleading. They might be a fellow auditionee, current pro cheerleader, alumni, squad coach, judge, or dance instructor.

For those who aren’t that shudder at the thought of approaching someone first, build up your confidence and walk up to them. Take the risk. It’s also necessary for pro cheerleaders. Shy types don’t last long in this profession.

The road to pro cheerleading is a long and challenging path. But the rewards in the end outweigh your struggles. You’ll meet a lot of beautiful souls along the way, especially among your co-auditionees and squadmates. You’ll learn what it takes to be a disciplined athlete and dancer. Lastly, you’ll open a lot of career opportunities once you retire from being a squad member.

Discover more audition success tips here!

Get Our Pro Cheerleading Top 

Hey, ladies!!! 👋Do you need a pro-cheer-inspired top to wear during your workout or next summer camp? I designed the perfect shirt for these important occasions. You can even wear it on a regular day to express yourself. Choose from 5 great colors: White, Baby Blue, Cranberry, Silver, and Lemon.