10 Diet and Fitness Tips to Increase Stamina Naturally

Pro cheer auditions, squad rehearsals, and live arena dances require a lot of energy for aspiring and current pro cheerleaders. These said activities even last 4-8 hours a day. That is why you need to increase your stamina to handle the demands of these events.

Here are ways on how to do it so that you’ll have the strength and energy to perform all kinds of pro cheer prep and squad activities for long durations without getting tired.

1. Exercise consistently but take it slow

Don’t go for highly demanding workouts immediately. Building stamina doesn’t happen in one day. First, figure out where your cardiovascular threshold is by doing as many reps and sets for a particular workout until you feel tired. Stay in those numbers until you’re efficient at doing them. Then, add more sets and reps. Rinse and repeat.

2. Eat healthy foods and include carbs but not too much

Prioritize foods like leafy greens, fish, fresh fruits, lean red meat, and eggs. Building stamina isn’t just about exercising. To function effectively, your body needs fuel and you can get that from nutritious meals. When talking about carbs, I mean whole grain bread and brown rice. Not refined sugary sweets like ice cream and chocolates.

3. Do yoga and meditation

Regular yoga and meditation increase your ability to handle stress and in turn increases your stamina. A good yoga and meditation schedule is early in the morning and an hour before you go to bed.

4. Listen to music while you exercise

Listening to your favorite music while working out increases your cardiovascular efficiency according to a study. This means you’re able to do more with less effort.

5. Don’t drink alcohol but if you do, stay classy

To activate and coordinate your muscle fibers for prolonged physical activity, you need your nervous system to function at its best. Alcohol slows it down especially if you drink too much. Not to mention it dehydrates your body the next day making you easily tired from activities.

If you cannot avoid drinking, drink a glass or two of your beverage and drink more glasses of water after.

6. Avoid fried food

You need healthy food that is easily digested to provide you with nutrition and high energy. Fried food doesn’t give you that. Fried foods have high saturated and trans fat content. This means they are hard to digest. Not to mention the bad cholesterol coming from the hydrogenated vegetable oils that decreases your blood oxygen circulation.

7. Start by doing the activities you love

Sometimes getting into working out is hard. That’s why it’s also advisable to do the fitness activities that you love first. Because they don’t need too much motivation to do, you can build your stamina without going to the gym or going out for a morning run.

So what are the activities that you love? Is it biking? Rock climbing? Swimming? Or playing tennis? Whatever it is, do them!

8. Reduce and limit your resting intervals

Like the thought in #1, building stamina requires you to push your physical limits so that your body can adapt to the needs of pro cheer squad activities. That means to reduce your resting time at the gym as well. Start by taking two-minute breaks for each workout set.

Then, take a minute and a half for the next week and a minute for the next until you no longer require to take rests in finishing your workout session.

9. Take ashwagandha supplements

Ashwagandha is an herb that boosts your vitality, cognitive function, and overall health. Like meditation and yoga, taking supplements from this herb can also reduce stress. Look for them at your local pharmacy or health and wellness store.

10. Know your electrolyte intake

As you perform physical activities, you lose a lot of sodium through your sweat. That is why you need to keep your body’s sodium level by drinking sports beverages like Gatorade or Powerade after every workout session. If your sodium levels drop too low, you’ll experience dizziness and lightheadedness that would eventually cause you to faint while doing physical activities.

Increased stamina doesn’t only give you the ability to perform your roles as a pro cheerleader well. It also gives you the power to do everything you want to do as a woman beyond life in the squad.

Want more fitness tips? Read the blogs below!

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

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