Why You Should Definitely Hit the Gym on Your Lunch Break

Staying fit while working a day job is difficult. But the idea isn’t entirely rare. As a matter of fact, a lot of current pro cheerleaders belong to the 9 to 5 grind industry. Some are nurses. Others are teachers. And there are those in government and corporate settings.

These women still find time to remain in tip-top shape by exercising in the morning, afternoon, or evening. But there is another way to maintain fitness without waking up early, going to the gym after work, or sacrificing evening relaxation time.

The answer? Do your workout during lunch break. Is this idea new to you or did you think it’s absurd? Read one to learn the benefits of it and how to make it work.

Working Out at Lunch is Rare, But Has Benefits

Completing a workout routine in either morning, afternoon, or evening are the common choices of people living a fit lifestyle. Mainly because exercising on specific parts of the day have their own set of benefits.

Those who work out in the morning do so because they want to feel more alert during the day. The ones who exercise in the afternoon make the choice because they have more time and find it easy to commit. Whereas evening movers love doing their routine at this time of the day to tire themselves out, making it easier to sleep.

But there is also a fourth and rare type of fitness lover. They are those who prefer to sweat during the middle of the day. Why do they choose to do so and why should you as well as part of your pro cheer routine? Here are some benefits:

  • Your early mornings, afternoons, and evenings will be free - Hitting the gym during lunch gives you a lot of time to prepare breakfast or do your morning skincare routine. For the afternoon and evening, you’ll have time to pick your kids up from school and cook dinner for your family.
  • There are fewer people wherever you go - Most people are eating their lunch during midday. You can expect the gym and roads to be less crowded by the time you pump iron or go for a run.
  • You’d feel more alert and confident throughout the afternoon - A lunch break fitness session is a great way to fight the afternoon slump. And if you have an upcoming afternoon meeting that you’re anxious to attend, that lunchtime exercise will elevate your mood for it.
  • Fewer cravings between meals - Anticipating a lunchtime workout session conditions your brain not to crave mid-morning snacks because you know that it’ll just weigh you down. When afternoon comes, you also won’t need to snack because you’re already alert. Overall, lunch break workouts are great at keeping your pro cheer diet on track by reducing your need for extra calorie consumption.

How to Workout on Your Lunch Break: 5 Tips

1. Be transparent

Tell your boss in advance that you’re planning to use your lunch breaks to go for a run or a session in the nearby gym. If you’re the boss, tell your subordinates about your new lunchtime schedule. This will prevent any workplace hostilities, jealousies, disagreements, and confusion.

Remember that not all bosses are the same. You’re gonna need a lot of convincing to do or just give up the idea if your superior won’t budge.

2. Bring your activewear to the office

Aside from your shoulder bag for beauty and other important necessities, you must also bring a string bag. The bag should contain your workout shoes, socks, dri-fit shirt, yoga pants, face towel, and other important fitness apparel.

Coming to the office wearing a blazer while carrying a string bag may seem awkward. Which is why we suggest leaving your fitness bag in the car if you have one.

3. Never skip your lunch

Working out during your lunch break doesn’t mean you’re replacing a midday refueling for a sweat session. That would only cause you to faint or slump in the afternoon. Pack your own lunch, especially with foods that are best for post-workouts.

What constitutes a good post-workout meal? It should contain foods that are rich in protein with a few carbohydrates and fiber.

4. Never forget hygiene

You will sweat and smell and there’s nothing you can do to avoid that. So if there’s extra space in your gym locker or office drawer, fill it with hygiene essentials. The most important tip we can give is not to wash your hair and use dry shampoo before going back to work.

Although it’s not illegal to be smelly, you still don’t want to be the butt of the joke among your coworkers when it comes to the topic of stinkiness.

5. Let your work always come first

Lunch break workouts are optional. If something comes up in the office that would cause you to skip a session, tend to that problem first. As mentioned, don’t cause any workplace issues just because of your lunch break workouts.

You can still make up for the missed session by completing your fitness routines in the afternoon or evening.

A fitness session done during high noon on a workday is a fun and daring experience. Yet, the greatest problem with it is you’re forced to carry your sweaty clothes home for five days a week. Find a pickup laundry service near your place of work.

This is so that you can leave your clothes when you’re done exercising and pick them up again tomorrow before your lunch break workout. Better yet, leave 5 sets of activewear in your office so you’ll only have to take home your sweaty clothes once a week.

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: