5 Homemade Electrolyte Drinks to Add to Your Pro Cheer Lifestyle

Electrolytes are essential minerals that keep our bodies well-hydrated by retaining water in our cells and blood. During intense physical activities such as dancing and exercising, we lose these electrolytes through sweating.

That is why it is highly recommended that after every demanding activity, it is best to replenish them through sports drinks. Here at PRO CHEER LIFE, we always want the best for you and sports drinks aren’t good electrolyte replenishers because they can contain a lot of refined sugar.

To restore the lost electrolytes healthily in your body from working out and dance practices, we suggest that you make your own sports beverage. Here are the best homemade electrolyte drink recipes to fill your mason jars.

What Are The Benefits Of Electrolytes For Pro Cheerleaders?

1. Improves athletic performance

Current and aspiring pro cheerleaders are athletic artists. Their daily activities include working out and dance practices which are both exhausting and dehydrating. To perform these activities efficiently, pro cheerleaders are required to have high levels of stamina, focus, and strength.

Good electrolyte levels help the body retain more water from drinking. Electrolytes also help in keeping the contractions of our muscles normal. This causes you to thirst less, have more stamina, and gain more strength to lift weights without wearing out easily.

2. Avoids muscle cramping

Muscle cramps are often caused by dehydration and fatigue. Since electrolytes retain water and other fluids in your cells and blood, your entire body stays well-hydrated. This keeps you far from experiencing painful muscle cramps caused by long hours of squad rehearsals or intense sessions of workouts.

3. Aids muscle recovery

After a challenging strength training session, you’re bound to feel muscle soreness hours after. This could lead to a slight discomfort or pain on certain parts of your body. By drinking electrolytes, you’ll be able to recover faster while still being able to move for other pro cheer activities during recovery. This is because electrolytes help rebuild torn or damaged muscle tissues.

5 Healthy Electrolyte Drinks You Can Make At Home

1. Lemon ginger drink

Commercial electrolyte drinks have added sugars and artificial flavoring. DIY electrolyte drinks usually don’t. For example, this drink only needs grated ginger, lemon, Himalayan salt, raw local honey, and water to make.

Get the recipe here.

2. Celtic sea and lemon drink

If Himalayan salt isn’t available in your market, you can use Celtic salt as an alternative. Celtic sea salt has a lower sodium concentration with a briny flavor compared to the Himalayan salt’s strong mineral taste. But like the lemon ginger drink, the Celtic sea and lemon drink also uses the same simple ingredients. Just minus the Himalayan salt and grated ginger.

Get the recipe here.

3. Natural sports drink

If you want a versatile electrolyte drink that doesn’t use citrus flavors, this natural sports drink is right for your taste. It uses the standard Himalayan salt, green tea brew, unsweetened coconut water, calcium magnesium powder, and stevia as ingredients. For flavoring, you can choose any flavor you want as long as it’s a 100% fruit juice.

Get the recipe here.

4. Coconut water and lime drink

Citrus fruits like lime are commonly used in electrolyte drinks because of their low caloric properties yet sweet taste. They are also rich in vitamin C which is essential for immunity boosting and keeping the skin firm which are needed benefits for a healthy and beautiful pro cheerleader.

Get the recipe here.

5. Cherry and lime

For maximum electrolyte and water content, we’ve saved this recipe for the last. The cherry and lime electrolyte drink has watermelon in it so that you’d last into long workout sessions without being thirsty a lot. And what’s the cherry for, you ask? It’s a natural sweetener with anti-inflammatory properties to alleviate the discomfort of muscle soreness after working out.

Get the recipe here.

Homemade electrolyte drinks are the best sports beverages for pro cheerleaders. They are affordable, healthier, and have a lot of beauty and health benefits. Most of the ingredients are also readily available in markets. You better list these recipes down for your next trip to the grocery. And don’t forget, these drinks are best stored in mason jars.

Electrolyte and hydration-related articles ready for you to be read here:

Need a Great Workout Routine for Your Pro Cheer Audition Prep?

Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

Join a POM FIT™ class below: