8 Things To Stop Telling Yourself If You Want To Reach Your Pro Cheer Dreams

You are your own worst enemy in achieving your desires. Reaching your pro cheer dreams or doing your audition preparations are among the things affected by your own thoughts. And more often than not, what destroys you are words you often tell yourself. They’re even hard to get over with because we don’t immediately notice that we’re already saying them.

This article is about identifying phrases that weaken your willpower and what to do to fight it.

1. “I’m not good enough to be a pro cheerleader”

You’ll never be good enough if you think that way and say that to yourself all the time. Our thoughts affect our actions and our actions affect our future. Believe that you deserve a spot in a pro cheer squad and work hard to get there. Achieving a dream starts with a positive mind.

2. “Other people will hold me back”

Yes, other people will sabotage your pro cheer preparation. Others will tell you that you won’t make it. Does it matter? No, it doesn’t. Other people’s opinions shouldn’t stop you from reaching your pro cheer dreams. If they’re a persistent hindrance to your goals and a source of negativity, cut your ties from them.

3. “I can’t stand the audition preparations”

The more you complain, the closer you are to quitting. You know what you signed up for. We said it wouldn’t be easy multiple times. But because we want you to achieve your goals and we’ve been to where you are now, we’re here to keep on supporting and encouraging you. So stop complaining about your discomfort and keep focusing on following your audition plans.

4. “Other candidates get more”

There’s nothing you can do about that. They either have good karma, more resources, or have prepared well for the auditions. What you can do is stop looking at them, let go of your envy, and focus on yourself. If you want what they have, work hard for it.

5. “I’m invisible in life”

Then get noticed. Telling yourself you’re invisible yet not working on your self-confidence and presence is like complaining there’s nothing to eat when there’s a lot to cook from. People define a woman’s beauty in different ways.

It can be based on appearance, attitude, or talent. Choose one to work on then proceed to the next until you’re the full package or be the best at one.

6. “No one cares about my pro cheer goals”

You’re half-correct. People are too busy chasing their own goals in life. Others would only care just to drag you down. But the bottom line is, it doesn’t matter if other people care or not about your goals.

The only awareness that matters is your own because your pro cheer dream is your happiness. It is a desire that you alone should achieve and celebrate. Eliminate the need for other people’s approval and support. Act now.

7. “I’m not this candidate”

Comparing yourself to other aspirants works three ways: Be like them, be better than them, or look at yourself poorly because of them. If you have chosen the latter, then you’re not helping yourself achieve your pro cheer goal.

The goal of comparing yourself to others is to mimic success and improve your self-esteem, not worsen your view of it. Instead of saying, “I can’t do this because I’m not like her”, say “If she can do it, so can I!”

8. “I can do it later”

Yes, you can, but you’re running out of time. Stop procrastinating. If the schedule says to exercise, get on your workout gear, and start sweating. If the schedule says makeup application practice, then get yourself in front of the mirror with your kit and start practicing makeup application. Your preparations might wait for you but the pro cheer auditions won’t.

Train your mind to be positively focused on yourself. Avoid complaining, stop comparing, work hard, and learn to endure discomfort. Once you mold your thinking to be like this, you can find it easy to reach your pro cheer dreams and any other goals in your life!

Do You Picture Yourself As A Professional Cheerleader? Get Expert Advice From Someone Who's Been There.

If you dream of joining a dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams will guide you every step of the way.

I wrote this book because I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO DISCOVER the best tips and advice on staying fit and beautiful, adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, and more... so you can MAKE YOUR DREAM TEAM! 

My tips are based on my 20+ years of experience in the professional cheerleading industry.

Grab a copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams