9 Things You Didn't Realize Are Affecting Your Skin (And How to Keep It Healthy)

There are times when we wonder why despite how much effort we put into taking care of our skin, there will always be some imperfections. Sometimes these are things that are out of our control and sometimes these result from the things we do subconsciously. So what exactly is it that we do that affects our skin? How do you take good care of it as an aspiring pro cheerleader? 

1. Picking pimples

Popping zits is tempting, but it causes inflammation, scarring, discoloration, and infection. To do this properly, pop it with a needle but sanitize it and your hands first. Don’t use your hands to pop your pimple as the cells around the pimple area will be disrupted.

2. Sleeping on one side

Sleeping on one side too much (regardless of the side) will cause wrinkles and creases on your skin which over time can become permanent. Practice sleeping on your back.

3. Inadequate sleep

Sleep is the time of the day for your body to repair and regenerate, hence it's called “beauty sleep”. Inadequate sleeping causes skin inflammation as well and affects the immediate and long-term appearance of the skin. Go to sleep easily by keeping your bedroom cool.

4. Drinking and smoking

It’s okay to enjoy a glass of cocktail, liquor, or a bottle of beer but don't overdo it. Alcohol increases the level of inflammatory agents in the bloodstream which hastens the sagging of skin over time. Smoking? It prematurely ages your skin.

5. Using the wrong skin essentials 

Applying skin care products that aren’t for your specific problems will not net help and can even make your problems worse. To be sure, ask advice from a dermatologist or a doctor on the best products for your skin. 

6. Eating junk food with a poor diet 

Sugary and fatty foods cause your blood sugar to rise, triggering a surge of insulin. When insulin is high on the system, it stimulates oil-producing hormones called androgens, causing a lot of pimples. Instead of that unhealthy bag of chips, why not snack on some watermelon, cucumber, and other glow foods that are hydrating, full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals? 

7. Touching your face and rubbing your eyes

Your hands touch a lot of objects or places every day. And who knows what kind of bad bacteria are there. Without any thought, you touch your face with your bare hands. Bacteria start housing on your skin. Worse, they enter zits and small wounds, causing an infection. To avoid this, regularly wash your hands with soap, hand sanitizer, or ethyl alcohol.

8. Not washing pillowcases

Things that are in contact with your skin are bound to be rigged with saliva, oil, dirt, and bacteria. For example, your own pillowcase. Not regularly changing sheets and pillowcases allow the stay of these harmful elements and will guarantee a negative effect on your face such as the aggravation of acne.

9. Not washing your face at night

You're likely to wear makeup daily and after a tiring day, you sleep on bed with that makeup on. Your skin has already been marinated overnight, pores clogged, and acne worsened. Keep in mind that your body heat increases during sleep, increasing the absorption of whatever is on your face. Trust me, makeup should not be a part of the list. Be sure to wash your face before you sleep. 

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