5 Healthy Ways to Satisfy and Control Your Sweet Tooth

A lot of women, current and aspiring pro cheerleaders alike, find it difficult to fight their sugar cravings. There are those of us who just feel better having that dessert after dinner or sweet snack after a workout! Are you guilty of this?

While it's nice to treat yourself to something sweet, doing it more often has negative health effects. Not to mention, its impact on your waistline. That is why it's essential to arm yourself with tips and ideas on healthy food swaps for sweet cravings.

These strategies ensure that you stay guilt-free and on-top of your fitness goals throughout the year! Keep reading. 

1. Snack on fresh fruit.

Instead of chocolate bars and other processed foods, choose natural. Fruit is nature's candy, and it's definitely a great alternative to refined sugar. Reach for a banana or a handful of strawberries. These fruits are more satisfying when eaten cold!

2. Don't let yourself get too hungry.

Anytime your body goes into starvation mode, your sweet cravings increase. To prevent that from happening, make sure that you don't wait until you get too hungry. Or else, you'll make unhealthy food choices. Many people think that being hungry all the time is the key to weight loss. In reality, it's sabotaging your goals.

3. Check food labels.

A lot of sweet foods are advertised as healthy, when in fact, they're not. Each time you go grocery shopping for snacks, always check the labels. How much sugar does a food item contain? Go for zero sugar or low sugar options. If you train yourself to eat less sugar, you're less likely to crave it over time.

4. Go for dark chocolate. 

Chocolate is a favorite among those who crave sweets. This is especially true for women! If you find yourself craving chocolate, make a healthy choice by choosing dark chocolate. The reason why dark chocolate is healthier is because it contains less sugar than milk chocolate, and more antioxidants.

5. Use stevia instead of sugar.

It can be a lot less fun when you're trying to stay away from sweet treats. The good news is, you can enjoy sweetness without the consequences of sugar. Whether you drink coffee or bake goodies, use stevia. Stevia is a non-nutritive sweetener that comes from an intensely sweet-tasting plant species Stevia rebaudiana. It contains no calories and helps support your weight loss goals. 

These are the simple things you can do to keep your cravings at bay or satisfy them in guilt-free way! Staying fit and healthy should be a fun journey. As always, Pro Cheer Life is here to help. 

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Pro cheerleaders stay fit, flexible, and strong so they can give out their best performance in the arena. However, achieving that wow-worthy, toned physique doesn’t happen overnight. You need to arm yourself with the right daily workouts.

Thinking of becoming a pro cheerleader? 

We are offering you our fun, FREE (for a LIMITED time) POM FIT™ INTRO CLASS that teaches you beginner-friendly cardio moves.

To take your cheerleading fitness to the next level, we also have POM FIT™: GAMEDAY1™ - a series of challenging full-body cardio classes that include a body stretch class, kick stretch class, abdominal workout class, and more. 

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