How to Listen to Your Body and Give It What It Needs

It’s easy to ignore the messages your body tells you as you’re busy with the multitude of work in preparation for the pro cheer auditions. As the days progress with these bodily signs you still ignore, you’ll find it in the near future that you’re already suffering a number of health issues. But that can be avoided if you listen to your body first! To find out how, continue reading below!

What Does Listening to Your Body Mean?

For every daily activity that you do, such as chores, workout, and the food you eat, your body reacts differently to them. You might feel easily tired due to a change in diet. You might also experience body pain and sores due to some exercises. This is your body’s way of telling you that there’s something wrong with it and what you’re doing to it every day.

When you notice and act upon these effects and messages, that means you’re starting to listen to what your body tells you.

How to Listen to Your Body

1. Eat mindfully

As an aspiring pro cheerleader, you need to plan and follow a proper diet regime. It can be fiber-based, protein-based, or a mixed food plan. But that doesn’t mean you have to totally deprive yourself of some treats. Eat these comfort foods. But do so in moderation or enough that doesn’t exceed your controlled intake.

2. Put your needs over your desires

You want to eat a bag of chips and you want to skip a workout session. But you know both are bad for your audition preparation and your overall health. You need to cut weight and build endurance, right? So why give in to your unhealthy wants?

3. Workout in moderation

A productive workout session causes us a little muscle sore. But if that lasts for days, that’s a sign from your body telling you did it wrong or did it too much. You need to reevaluate if you’re doing your workouts right or you might want to reduce its intensity.

4. STOP if you’re in pain or exhausted

“Pain is gain,” as many inspirational workout quotes say. But that only applies post-workout. The short duration of feeling a muscle sore is part of that. If you start to run out of breath while running, stop, and rest. Don’t push yourself, know your limits. However, if you want to try, do it slowly and gradually.

5. Prioritize your sleeping conditions

Sleep plays a huge part in maintaining body health. Once you lack proper sleep, you’re sure to be stressed and feeling exhausted the next day. This could potentially lead to a variety of health problems when left unchecked.

If you stay up late at night, you might want to make some adjustments to your pre-sleep rituals. Stay off your phone an hour before bed. Keep your room cool and dark during the night.

6. Exercise according to your energy level

If you feel energetic before your workout, go for high-intensity exercises. If you feel quite tired, take it easy as it is perfectly fine. Practicing this workout style causes autoregulation. It makes your heart easily adapt to quick changes in different workout intensities and helps maintain a normal beat rate in this active state. In short, you don’t easily tire out from all levels of workout intensities.

Bottom Line

The moment you complain about the slightest discomfort in your body, you’ve already taken the first step of listening to it.  When you seek ways to fix that, you’re already closer to giving what it needs. So be vigilant about how your body is feeling and its reaction. If there’s a task you’ve done or food you’ve eaten that gives you discomfort, quickly avoid those. Immediately find a solution that corrects a negative effect on you.

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Do You Picture Yourself As A Professional Cheerleader? Get Expert Advice From Someone Who's Been There.

If you dream of joining a dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams will guide you every step of the way.

I wrote this book because I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO DISCOVER the best tips and advice on staying fit and beautiful, adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, and more... so you can MAKE YOUR DREAM TEAM! 

My tips are based on my 20+ years of experience in the professional cheerleading industry.

Grab a copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams