How to Properly Wash Your Face for Healthier Looking Skin

Although the face just has a small area of the skin compared to other parts of the body, it’s the most noticeable feature about us. As a more accurate fact, it’s the first thing all of us look at on other people. Because of that, we tend to make a huge deal of skincare routines to be beautiful not just as women but also as members of the pro cheer community.

Yet, excessive skincare can also be bad. For starters, it messes with your skin’s pH, making it either strongly acidic, weakly alkaline, or strongly alkaline. This is why we must listen to the experts about the right methods on how to wash our faces to cleanse them of dirt accumulated throughout the day. Here is a list of proper face-washing tips by dermatologists.

1. Use a gentle cleanser

Pay attention to the ingredients your cleanser contains. You shouldn’t use those with alcohol and/or sulfate as their ingredients. Alcohol-based cleansers enlarge your pores in the long run making it easy for dirt and bacteria to enter your skin. Sulfates strip off natural oils from your skin making it severely dehydrated and flaky.

2. Don’t scrub your skin

Don’t use loofah scrubs, washcloths, or mesh sponges to scrub your skin as they can severely irritate it. They should only be used for your body. If there’s one thing you should use as a facial scrub, it’s your fingers.

3. Wash your hands and all makeup off first

Speaking of using your fingers for scrubbing, make sure that you’ve also cleaned them first. You’ve been touching different objects throughout the day and you don’t want the bacteria from those surfaces to create a free real estate on your face.

4. Don’t use generic syndet bars

This is a hard habit to stop, especially in households that mainly use antibacterial bars as a family soap. Do not use synthetic detergent (syndet) bars as your facial cleanser. These products are likely to contain alcohol, sulfates, parabens, triclosan, and triclocarban.

5. Consider using micellar water

This is a trick that women use to remove makeup easily. But did you know you can also use micellar water as a cleanser? Just pour a small amount into a ball of cotton and rub it gently all over your face like a toner. If micellar can remove makeup, then it sure can remove dirt and grime. And the best part of using micellar water is that you don’t need to rinse it off.

6. Don’t rinse your face with water right away

Well, if you’re using a gentle cleanser other than micellar water, that product will most likely need time to seep into your pores to break down the accumulated dirt and grime. So take at least 60 to 90 seconds to rub it all over before rinsing it off. And when you’re done, use an antimicrobial face towel to dry yourself. Note that you should pat your face dry and not wipe the water off.

7. Wash with lukewarm water

Lukewarm water is enough to soften and loosen the dirt, sebum, and grime in your pores. Using hot water is just like using a sulfate-based cleanser which leaves your skin dry after washing.

Nothing beats the beauty of simplicity. It’s not about how expensive the products you use on your face or how prestigious the maker is. It’s about using the right formulation, cleansing method, and knowing how much skincare is too much.

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