How to Protect Your Hair From Heat Styling Tools

We love hairstyling, and staying away from heat styling tools and salons are just something we cannot do. Avoiding a straightener or curling iron becomes even more difficult for current and aspiring pro cheerleaders.

But whether we use heat styling tools every day or not, one thing is for sure - these tools will do damage to our hair in one way or another. The only thing we can do is to prevent or minimize hair damage from the heat. Are you interested to know how? Here are the ways.

1.  Use a heat protection spray

A heat protectant is like sunscreen. IT may not protect your hair 100% from heat damage but it minimizes the damage especially if you use tools every day. The protectant also helps in locking in your hair color while keeping it healthy with vitamins and fatty acids.

2.  Don’t heat-style your hair when damp

Wet or damp hair is more fragile to heating than dry hair. The hydration from your hair strands will turn into steam and which causes damage as it escapes. Always pat your hair dry first before using a curler or iron.

3.  Apply hair mask after styling

When you’re done styling your hair, replenish your evaporated natural hair moisture with a hair mask. This is one important way to avoid making your hair dry, dull, and frizzy from regular heating.

4.  Follow the “One and Done Rule”

Once you’re done heating a part of your hair, don’t go back to heat or style it again. Always aim to style your strands in one go from top to bottom or vice versa. Repeating to heat a section of your hair won’t reinforce your desired style. It will cause damage instead.

5.  Select the right heat setting for your hair type

It’s common sense that thin or fine hair is prone to heat damage. If your hair is thin, set your curling or straightening tools for heat settings that are under 200℉. Use 200-300℉ settings if your hair is thick or coarse.

6.  Choose good quality styling tools

Some heat styling tools are cheap and lack metal coating. These tools heat your hair on a direct hair-to-iron contact that could easily burn your hair. Look for tools that have ceramics, tourmaline, or titanium components.

7.  Include a reparative hair cream to your hair care routine

Don’t limit yourself to only use hydrating hair masks after heat styling. Keep your hair healthy and hydrated even on normal days and before using heat styling tools. Reparative hair creams are also very effective to keep your hair strong and shiny against hot weather.

8.  Avoid heat-styling as much as possible

Well, if you really want to protect your hair from heat styling tools, the best strategy is not to use them at all. You can use plastic hair rollers if you want to curl your hair. The only drawback to that method is it takes too much time. For hair straightening, check out these tips.

9.  Don’t dye and fry

Dyed hair is dry. Bleaches or hair dyes have chemicals that strip your hair of natural moisture while putting it to stress. Add heat styling to it and you’re going to experience irreparable hair damage like the photo above. It’s best to keep your hair in its natural state if you’re going to use heat tools or let your hair recover for weeks before using styling irons or blowers.

The main threat to hair health is heat. It can be through heat via hairstyling tools, direct sunlight, or hot and dry weather. To prevent these damages, make sure your hair is well-nourished and hydrated most of the time. You can do this by spraying a heat protectant before you do the styling, using the appropriate heat settings, and applying a hair mask after. For your everyday routine, use conditioners and reparative creams after every bath.

Score more points at the audition by showing your healthy hair. Read these articles now!

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