Safe and Easy Ways for You to Lose Water Weight

Many aspiring pro cheerleaders struggle with this fitness issue: Water weight. While water weight isn't a cause for concern, it keeps you from reaching your goal weight and physique. You notice gaining a few pounds and you feel bloated. (Please note that severe water retention can be a sign of a health problem, so have yourself checked by a doctor). 

In today's post, I'm going to share with you helpful ways on how to lose that water weight safely and quickly, and also burn more fat. Dig in.

1. Drink more water.

It may sound counterintuitive, but drinking water actually helps your body to stop retaining more water. Instead of drinking sugary beverages when you're feeling tired or after a workout, drink water. Water is also a natural metabolism booster. It suppresses your appetite and unhealthy food cravings.

2. Reduce your carbohydrate intake.

Carbohydrates are stored in your body in the form of glycogen. When your glycogen stores are full, carbohydrates get stored as fat. Also, each gram of glycogen stores about 2-3 grams of water, and that explains why eating more carbs makes your body hold on to extra fluid. Consider cutting back on simple carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and baked goods. Do it gradually if you want to avoid experiencing flu-like symptoms.

3. Bring your stress level down.

Whether you're experiencing school-related stress, work stress, or any kind of emotional stress, too much of it increases your hormone called cortisol. An increase in cortisol causes your hormone insulin to increase as well, and insulin promotes fat storage. Not just that, being under a lot of stress can make you crave for high-sugar, high-calorie comfort foods.

Learn healthy ways to respond to stress. You can be stressed but still be able to make choices that benefit your mind and body! Try journaling. Find the positive in the negative. Learn to say "no."

4. Make sure to get adequate sleep.

Study shows that a lack of sleep can result in the rise of cortisol levels the following day. And as you already know, an increase in cortisol influences fluid retention and water weight. Getting enough sleep while you're preparing for the auditions is one of the most important things you can do to get fitter and healthier. Proper sleep will also boost your workouts by giving you physical strength and allowing you to focus. 

5. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet.

Too much salt in the diet leads to water weight since sodium binds to water in the body. Don't just increase your water intake, but also decrease your salt consumption. Salt lurks in processed foods, cured foods, canned meat, and frozen breaded meats. Salted nuts are also a culprit. Since salt is also essential in the body to maintain fluid balance, you want to be careful not to get too extreme. 

Wrapping Up

As you can see, you only need to follow simple tips to reduce water weight (aka "bloat"). When it comes to burning more fat, in addition to losing water weight, cut back on carbohydrates - especially carbs from processed foods. Manage your cravings by dealing with stress healthily. 

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