Audition Success Is A Series Of Small Wins

Setting your eyes on small wins instead of larger successes is very important to achieve an overall goal. This is because small wins will inspire you better and are much easier to get.

Taking on larger successes altogether is hard with a high risk of failure. And when that failure happens, it can knock you off focus from your goals leaving you brooding and discouraged. By focusing on small goals, you’re taking it easy one at a time.

Every small win leads to mastery and with every mastery you achieve, you put that together with other masteries and move on to the areas you lack in. These masteries you have gained will form together into a whole which is a recipe for success.

For example, as part of your audition preparation, you must minimize your consumption of junk foods and sweets. A common dietary mistake is going on total and sudden abstinence. This will give you severe discomfort.

A smart move would be starting with consumption cuts. Then, scheduling days where you can eat the no-go food. Eventually, you’ll no longer want junk food or sweets. This is one form of a small win and you’ll find more as you read towards the end.

1.  Talk to a minimum of 6 people daily

Pro cheer squads need aspirants to have confidence in public speaking. One way for you to have this is to practice talking to people. And by people, I don’t mean it’s limited to your immediate family members or close friends.

Simple acts like purposely asking strangers for directions and small talks with grocery cashiers is good training for you. What’s important is, you’ll learn to talk to strangers without stuttering, hesitation, or anxiety.

2.  Practice applying makeup properly at least once a week

Another important skill needed from a pro cheerleader is the ability to put on makeup herself. It’s not just your normal everyday makeup, it must include proper contour, smokey eyes, and fake lashes.

Practice putting them on. Start from easy styles to harder. Once you’ve mastered to properly put difficult makeup, practice on putting them on faster.

3.  Conceal your tattoo alone (for those with tattoos)

Tattoos are considered inappropriate for arena performances and auditions. Concealing tattoos takes several layers of makeup and a lot of time to apply. Like makeup, learning to apply them effectively in a short period of time is considered a small win for a successful audition.

4.  Practice your audition dance daily

Think about the dance showcase you’re going to perform at the auditions. To secure a spot in your dream team, you need to perform your dance with perfection as well. By practicing every day and polishing your showcase routine, you already have a small win.

Don’t forget, dancing is also a form of workout. The more you practice dancing, the more efficient you will be at it while gaining cardio endurance for the final performance.

5.  Last more than 5 minutes of cardio every day

Accepted pro cheerleader aspirants are subjected to long hours of routine practice. Sometimes, after practice, there are public appearances to attend. That is why judges from auditions look for healthy-looking and energetic applicants.

As you exercise every day, always strive to improve your cardio-endurance. Your planned 30-minute daily run should increase in 5 minutes for the next day. Aim to be able to run for an hour without tiring out.

6.  Avoid sweets and junk food gradually

Sweets and junk food cause excess weight and belly fat. Being able to resist the temptation of eating some will surely help you maintain a pro cheer figure in the long run. When audition day comes, you’ll earn the favor of judges because you “look-healthy” and it’s all thanks to your properly-maintained figure.

7.  Drinking 8 glasses and more daily

Proper hydration has a variety of benefits. That includes a healthy, glowing, and supple skin. And you know what a healthy skin means? That’s right! A healthy pro cheer look.

But, drinking 8 glasses every day might be a simple thing to do yet it’s often overlooked by most of us. As much as possible, drink only water when you’re thirsty and drink more than a glass.

8.  Making friends and maintaining healthy relationships

Part of what judges look for in pro cheer auditionees is a “team-attitude”. You must adopt a mindset of setting aside your personal advancement goals for the development of the team.

Imagine being in your dream pro cheer team and a squadmate was offered a position that you wanted but weren’t. Will you feel happy and thankful for her? If not, you need to shift your attitude towards that.

Remember, take it easy and focus on achieving a small win one at a time. As Satya Nani said, "A little progress every day adds up to big results."

More PRO CHEER LIFE™ articles for your audition prep here!

Do You Picture Yourself As A Professional Cheerleader? Get Expert Advice From Someone Who's Been There.

If you dream of joining a dance team audition but have no idea on how to get started, my book entitled Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams will guide you every step of the way.

I wrote this book because I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO DISCOVER the best tips and advice on staying fit and beautiful, adopting the right mindset, maintaining your image, and more... so you can MAKE YOUR DREAM TEAM! 

My tips are based on my 20+ years of experience in the professional cheerleading industry.

Grab a copy of my book by clicking the text or image below:

Professional Cheerleading Audition Secrets: How To Become an Arena Cheerleader for NFL®, NBA®, and Other Pro Cheer Teams