How to Stop Feeling So Overwhelmed With Your Pro Cheer Goals

Setting goals is great. Goals are supposed to push us outside our comfort zones to become better at something — whether that’s dancing, public speaking, or perfecting your makeup application. Yet, sometimes, goal setting can cause us to feel overwhelmed and lost. 

Now that the New Year is fast approaching, we encourage you to take a simplistic approach. So, while you’re expanding your goals, you’re also making sure to not let them get you too stressed out. Because let’s face it: There isn’t enough time for everything. Let that sink in. 

In this post, you’ll find techniques that will help you feel much better towards your goals in your pro cheer career and regain focus. 

Be optimistic but also realistic.

Ever heard the term realistic optimism? It’s a person’s ability to find balance in both positive and negative situations. In other words, it’s about believing that you can actually succeed — but at the same time, acknowledging that success rarely happens without challenges, careful planning, and persistence in your journey. 

Focus on the smaller changes you can make. 

Thinking small can oftentimes be the secret to big success. Try asking yourself this question: “What does [your big goal] look like to me?” When it comes to improving your dance skills, that could mean watching a short dance video and committing to 10 minutes of your free time practicing. 

Feel excited.

Sometimes, you might feel like you’re just trying to get through each day without being truly involved. If there’s one element that would improve how you approach your goals, that’s excitement. Try celebrating every accomplishment you make, no matter how little. That will generate positive emotions and make you look forward to taking the next step — and the next. 

Read more: Tiny Changes That Will Make Your Pro Cheer Prep 10 Times More Enjoyable

Allow yourself to choose what you want to do today.

Before anything else, do know that planning is important. The problem is that sometimes, you won’t feel like sticking to the plan. If that ever happens, allow yourself to pick something else to work on that’s still in line with your overall goal. That way, you won’t stray while feeling comfortable doing the work because you’re not pressured. 

Let go of what you can’t control. 

There’s an endless list of things you simply can’t change. Usually, these are circumstances, behaviors, or opinions of other people. If you find yourself worrying about these uncontrollable factors, stop. Instead, focus on changing your response. This is one way to set healthy self-boundaries, so you can operate more efficiently.

Use timeboxing.

Timeboxing, or the “time box method”, is a strategy that entails setting a block of time for a task. While this is a business productivity hack, it can also be used to help you reach your pro cheer goals. Here’s an example: Promise to spend 20 minutes answering audition day questions — and no more. After that, you’ll realize how much you’ve accomplished in that span of time because you’ve devoted all your energy to it. (20 minutes isn’t overwhelming, and you won’t have to constantly procrastinate.)

As a bonus tip, have a collection of positive mantras to add that will help you combat stress when it arises. The words we speak to ourselves matter more than we think! Start with this list of pro cheer affirmations

Get Our Pro Cheerleading Top 

Hey, ladies!!! 👋Do you need a pro-cheer-inspired top to wear during your workout or next summer camp? I designed the perfect shirt for these important occasions. You can even wear it on a regular day to express yourself. Choose from 5 great colors: White, Baby Blue, Cranberry, Silver, and Lemon.